Tommorow is today

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By Joona Irene

~~ Lilac POV ~~
       The sun rose eagerly but nobody was there to see it, because it was overcast. And yes, that can happen during summer, I've seen it many times. Anyways, as soon as it was up and above the horizon  (from what I could tell) I headed for the Mystery Shack. I was careful to camouflage my face so that, if Bill was watching me, he wouldn't notice how scared I was. While I didn't see his aura floating anywhere, he has obviously been around me for longer than I could account for. That meant there was some other way for him to watch me...creepy.
      When I arrived, there was a tour bus that was pushing through the doors with Stanford all dressed up and leading them in.
      "Step right up!" He was calling, a big smile on his face. "Watch, in amazement, as I enter ten dollars into this sack, and it dissaperes!" The group viewed in awe and then proceeded to do it themselves.
      "Serriously?" I muttered. Nobody seemed to notice as I slipped through the crowd and into the shack. I was in the gift shop, and Wendy looked up at me in surprise.
       "Lilac! Bro! Where've you been? Dipper was looking all over for you yesterday."
       "I'm sure." I huffed, knowing it was Bill in Dipper's skin. "Did...he come back here?"
       "Yeah, I think he's helping Mabel do a thing." She pointed to where the exhibits were. I smiled.
       "Thanks Wendy!" I said, going to where she pointed.  Please be Dipper, please please please...
       I walked through the doorway and heard some voices talking just around the corner. I could see their auras through the wood and I gasped. Quickly I ran and gave Dipper the tightest hug I could.
       "Dipper!" I cried, tightening my grip.
       "Li-lac" he choked. I let go and slapped him.
       "Ow!" He whined. "Wha...I don't under-"
       "That's for stealing my mirror you jerk." I spat. I then pulled out the journal and offered it to him.
        "What! How did you...didn't you...what?" He asked, taking the journal. He looked over at Mabel for help, and she shrugged.
        "I'm glad you got your body back." I said with a smile. He still wasn't sure what was going on, so I rolled my eyes and gave him another hug. This time it wasn't so tight, but was more comforting.
        "OKay, I am not sure how you got this or if you're the one who took it or even what that slap was for, but, thank you." He said. "I mean, didn't I apologize for that?" Again, he looked at Mabel and again, she shrugged. I laughed.
        "Yeah, but I was still upset." I explained. "And yes, Dipper, I did take the journal. But seriously, was it even yours to keep in the first place?"
        "But...if you took it for Bill, then why are you giving it back?" Mabel asked.
        "Because I heard you two talking in your room." I said. "And it made me re-think my position. That, plus I read the pages on Bill." I added sheepishly. They nodded. That was when I noticed what they were doing. A big white gorilla with a rainbow afro on it was halfway covered in rainbow glitter. It's teeth and claws were painted with nail polish and Dipper seemed to be making a sign that read DIVA-RILLA.
        "I'm not even going to ask." I said, staring at it. Dipper shrugged.
        "I get to use my favorite craft material!" Mabel cheered. Her eyes became wide. "GLITTER."
        "Okay," I said, still smiling. "Anyways...Dipper..." I looked at him. "Listen, I'm not sure what to do now." I held my own hands. "I should leave...but there wouldn't be much point in that, since I get the feeling Bill might follow me regardless of where I am. And, I don't know if you still want to be friends after all this...I kind of put you if a tight spot. So I guess I'm asking you what to do." I looked at him, nothing on my face but patience. He looked at me, and he had the same look on his face as when I first revealed what I was to them. Was it pity? Regret?
        "Mabel, can we talk about this?" Dipper asked quietly. She nodded and they left me by myself. I waited patiently while they spoke in hushed tones. Did I care if they didn't want to be friends anymore? No. I had already lost a friend in Bill so loosing two more wouldn't be much of a difference. However I did want to be around them, they were funny and clever...ish. Either way, it was up to them if they wanted my company or not. I totally understood if they felt that I had traded them for Bill, even though that was inaccurate and totally not true. It was like they were enemies or something.

        After a while they came back and Mabel embraced me in a hug.
        "We totally want you to stay!" She cried. Dipper nodded, a smile on his face.
        "Really?" I asked. I was glad they still accepted me. Especially despite everything I'd done in my past.
        "Yeah, I mean," Dipper said, rubbing his neck. "Even though you're kind of a...well, lets just say we want to be friends with you. You shouldn't have to be alone anymore." He smiled at me and I grinned, hugging them both.
        "Thank you." I said, feeling elated. "If there's ever anything I can do for you, just let me know. I'm rather skilled." I winked at Mabel. "So..." I made a contemplative face, examining the Diva-rilla. "Tell me about this one."
        "Grunkle Stan's idea." Dipper rolled his eyes.
        "Do people honestly fall for this stuff?" I asked.
        "Yeah, all the time!" Mabel said.
        "Wow. That makes me sad. Maybe I should open up a school here and force knowledge down their throats." I chuckled. "I mean, I can see the stitches! Right...there..." I pointed.
        "I know, I know." Dipper said. We all laughed.
        "Seriously though, people are dumb." I said, shaking my head.

The new girl in Gravity Falls; by Joona IreneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant