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By Joona Irene

~~ still Dipper POV~~

       "Take this!" Bill yelled. He began throwing fire balls at me. I dodged most of them, but one hit my hat. I patted the fire out, then made myself float upwards.
       "No, you take this!" I yelled back. I shot his top hat off with lasers. He growled angrily. I imagined welding a giant sword while Bill suddenly held a massive spiked mace. We clashed together, and I had to make myself bigger so he wouldn't overpower me.
       "Why did you even come here?" I demanded, thrusting forward. Bill jumped back chuckling, swinging the mace over his head.
       "I have my reasons!" Bill said, letting go of the mace. It flew towards me, and I tried to jump out of the way but it followed me. I turned and ran, stopping only when it hit me square in the back. It hurt, a lot, and I fell on my face, which actually hurt more than the mace. How is that possible?
        I stood and quickly formed a bubble shield just in time to avoid Bill's knife rain.
        "What kind of reason would you have for messing with my sister's mind?" I shouted. I broke the bubble and, recalling his taste in music, I made a synthesizer appear. Then I began playing music, loudly.
        "Auugh! It hurts! It hurts!" He cried, hands to his...wherever his ears may be, his face I don't know. I smirked, making it louder and faster. He turned red and angry.
        "Enough!" He growled. "Time for YOUR worst nightmare!"
        Suddenly, on the ground, Mabel appeared. I gasped. I saw her sweater torn, arms broken and bloody, her hair was singed and tears streamed down her cheeks.
        "Mabel!" I cried, coming down to her. "What happened? What did he do?"
        "Dipper..." she moaned. Her chin quivered and her nose was bleeding, a black eye framed her face perfectly. "Dipper..."
        "No, no, no, no!" I screamed. "This...this can't be real! It's!" I shook my head and made her broken body disappear. Bill glared at me.
        "Try this on for size smart guy!" Bill cackled. Suddenly I was surrounded by Lilac. But not sweet, girl Lilac, but black and scary Lilac. Her eyes burned with hatred, her arms raised and posed to strike. Her face was drawn in a snarl, and she hissed at me. I shrank back, scared. Everywhere I turned she was there, hissing at me like some evil cat.
        "Take a good look Pine tree! This is what Mirror REALLY is, and that won't ever go away! Are you scared yet Pine tree? Do you want to give up? I could take it further you know! Way way way further!"
        "N-no," I whimpered, trying to not look at all of  the Lilacs. "That isn't what she looks like. She isn't what you think she is! She's sweet and pretty and wouldn't ever hurt the people she cares about!" Suddenly the creatures surrounding me reverted into Lilac, girl Lilac. They winked at me and then jumped on Bill, punching him in various places. He snapped his fingers and they disappeared. 
        "Naïve Pine tree!" The ground beneath me vanished and I was falling down a dark pit. Like the bottomless pit, only this one was worse because it had a bottom, and it was filled with moving corpses.
        "Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" I screamed, arms flailing. I landed and the zombies swarmed me, grabbing me with their rotting flesh, pulling me deeper into their massive, stinking, mushy cold pile of rot.
        "No, no, get off me!" I panicked, feeling trapped. It felt so real, I couldn't think straight. I was being dragged to my doom. I punched the zombies, trying to climb out of the pit, trying to avoid getting bitten or my own skin peeled off. Bill laughed, far above me. My chest felt tight, my arms were smeared with blood, sweat and flesh, and I think I was crying.
        I can't let Bill win, I thought. I squeezed my eyes shut and I flew out of the pit. I sealed it up and wiped my tears away.
        "You jerk." I spat. What was Bill afraid of? How would I beat him? My hands were shaking and my eyes were still wet.
        "Aww, is little Pine tree too scared? NO MERCY!" He cried, lightning shooting out of his hands. He electrocuted me, sending hot pain shooting down every limb. I screamed, it hurt, I was tired, I couldn't think.
        "Bill, enough!" I shouted. I waved my hands and suddenly he was in a blue bubble. He screamed and pounded at it but I focused hard, keeping him inside.
        "I gotta think." I whispered. "What is Bill's worst nightmare?"
        "Why, Lilac falling in love with you, dummy!" I heard Mabel say.
        "Wait, really?" I said, stunned. "Oh my gosh, Mabel!" I looked around but didn't see her. "Mabel where are you?"
        "It's my mind doofus, you tell me." She laughed and I smiled.
        "So, you were here the whole time?" I asked, stunned.
        "Pretty much. I wasn't sure just HOW to help though, until now."
        "So, hold on, Bill's worst nightmare is what now?" I asked.
        "Well, geeze, he only barged into my mind so I'd stop convincing Lilac to stay with us. I think I was doing a pretty dang good job too. I guess Bill wouldn't have it, so he made me fall asleep and entered my mind once you did. Duh. So obviously he really, REALLY wants Lilac to stick with him. And that couldn't happen if she was in L-O-V-E with you bro-bro!"
        "Really?" I asked, feeling my face get hot.
        "Sure Dipper!" Mabel cheered. "Now go get him!"
        "Couldn't you help?" I asked.
        "If I help it won't be as fun. I'll be your secret weapon, okay? A last resort type thing."
I sighed, understanding. Sisters.
        "Hey Bill!" I said, releasing him from the bubble. "Guess what? I'm pretty sure that your little Mirror isn't going to travel to the ends of the universe with you!" I pictured girl Lilac next to me, and had her kiss me on the cheek. Bill froze, hands clenched so tightly I thought they'd become erased from time itself.
        "W-wrong!" Bill retorted. He turned her into her nightmarish form, black and shiny. I winced, but then, just when Bill was about to laugh, I swallowed my fear, turned, faced scary Lilac, and kissed her.
        "S-S-STOP!" Bill screamed. "Mirror, stop! Stop please..." he drawled to a whimper. He shrank down to normal size and became yellow.
        The kiss ended and, for good measure, I gave nightmare Lilac a hug. That really seemed to do it, because suddenly, I wasn't in Mabel's mind.
        I sat up, and smiled. Mabel sat up next to me, rubbing her head.
        "Ugh..." she groaned. Suddenly she looked at me, and grinned wide. So wide...
        "Mabel don't tell Lilac." I said firmly. Her eyes got all squinty.
        "No promises!"
        "Guys..." Lilac said, waking up. She pushed herself up and blinked, one eye at a time. "Where am I?"

The new girl in Gravity Falls; by Joona IreneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz