You have body mail

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By Joona Irene

~~Dipper POV~~

        After a night of conspiring and worrying about Lilac, I finally went to sleep. Sadly a certain demon had other plans.
        "Good night Pine tree!" Bill exclaimed, appearing in my black and white room. "Here, let's take a walk."
Before I could even begin to fully understand what was happening we were in the forest. Black and white to be exact.
        "W-what?" I stuttered. "what's going on?"
        "C'mon Pine tree wake up!" Bill held up an alarm clock that started to ring. I covered my ears, a scowl on my face.
        "Bill! Just leave me alone!" I screamed, trying to drown out the alarm. Bill narrowed his eye and tossed the alarm behind him.
        "No can do kid. I've got a bone to pick with you." He said, tipping his hat to me. "See, you're friends with Mirror now, and that isn't going to work out very well." He put the hat back on his head.
        "Mirror?" I asked. "Who's...wait, Lilac?"
        "Correct in the highest!" Bill exclaimed.
        "But, but you called her Lilac before." I said, confused. "Why is she Mirror now?"
        "Because now, I've seen into her mind. Thanks to you kid, I've got a glimpse into the swirling energy ball that could easily be exchanged for a subconscious.  And is has, thanks to her maker. Oh, you don't know about that do you? Well I do and she told me lots more as well!"
        "I don't care what you have to say to me." I said, crossing my arms. "I'm not making any more deals with you and you aren't getting the journal. And Lilac doesn't like you anymore. You lost! So just go away already!"
        "On the contrary. I've already won. You just can't see it kid, not yet anyway. But you will!"
        "Yeah, right." I scoffed. Bill floated closer, wrapping a little black arm around my shoulder.
        "She isn't human you know." Bill said softly. "In fact, just calling her a 'she' isn't even grammatically correct, it's just polite. How do you think this relation you have with her will play out hmm? You think that you'll find the secrets to the universe together and get married in a land of candy and music? Truth be told your future with her is limited."
        "Get away from me!" I snapped, pushing him off. Bill laughed
        "You're so dumb Pine tree! She's a creature of power and knowledge, like me! You and her have no more in common than a book has with a peanut!" Both these items appeared and they started dancing together. Then the peanut withered into dust. Bill snapped his fingers and they disappeared.
        "I don't care!" I yelled.
        "You will soon." He said eerily. "Use that 'big' brain of yours Pine tree. Mirror is immortal. She's got knowledge beyond even my comprehension. You think you can just play with a creature like that? Someday you'll see that Mirror can never feel herself around you. She hides Pine tree. She hides from you. In her eyes you're a baby, or already dead. Recall her hatred?"
        A little screen appeared on him and it was showing the night of Mabel's party. The same night Bill took my body and Lilac found out I stole her mirror. The picture was muted, but she was screaming at me.
        "That's who she really is, Pine tree. That night was a sneeze compared to the true rage she's capable of. Kid, the sooner you understand what she really is, the better."

        My eyes snapped open. I sat up and noticed my arm felt funny. I looked at it and gasped, causing Mabel to stir. There was writing on my arm, in a strange blue color. 

         Mirror doesn't belong here

        "No way." I whispered, my throat tight. I noticed there was writing on my other arm too. It was just a bunch of random wiggly lines, like a child's drawing.
        "What?" I asked, looking at it.
        "Dipper?" Mabel asked, rubbing her eyes. "What's up?" she yawned.
        "I think Bill just wrote on me." I said in a hushed tone.
        "What do you mean?" Mabel asked, blinking slowly. She sat up and came over to my bed. She gasped when she saw what was on my arms.
        "How did this happen?" Mabel asked, touching them. "Does that hurt?"
        "No..." I said, touching the doodles. "We can't show this to Lilac."
        "Who is Mirror?" Mabel asked, reading the message.
        "Bill calls Lilac Mirror. Like how he's always calling me Pine tree and you Shooting star."
        "So triangle man visited you last night?" she asked. I nodded. She sighed angrily. "Man, why can't he just leave us alone! Poor Lilac...she has no idea..."
        "Yeah, no idea how weird this is." I said, pulling off the blankets. It was early in the morning and the sun was just about to rise. "I mean, how am I supposed to hide this?"
        "You could wear a sweater." Mabel suggested. I made a face. She held up her hands."There isn't anything wrong with a sweater!"
        "I'll just stay inside I guess. Pretend i'm sick or something while I find a way to get ride of this. You keep Lilac away from me, alright?" I asked, pulling out the journal and flipping through the pages. Mabel saluted me.
        "You got it sir! Lilac will be entertained all day!"

        I finally managed to get rid of the markings (ok, I'll admit it, they went away on their own) and that night I was afraid to go to sleep. I didn't want another Bill dream. I stayed up really late, and fell into a light and nervous sleep.
        "BLARG!" Mabel screamed.
        "AHH!" I yelled, bolting upright. Mabel sprayed me with confetti.
        "Mabel!" I cried, spitting it out of my mouth. "What was that for?"
        "It's morning." Mabel said, as if that was an obvious answer. "You were sleeping. You need to get up." She did a little dance. "Today is the day I give Lilac her sweater!" She squealed with delight. I rolled my eyes.
        "Yay." I said sarcastically.  She punched my arm.
        "Ouch." I rubbed it, only to freeze. "Oh no..." I looked at my arm and saw there was MORE writing! "What?" I exclaimed. Mabel looked and frowned.
        "This is just weird." Mabel said, shaking her head. "That dorito has issues." She peered closer at it, reading it out loud.
        "Mirror, the reflector of the world." she read. "What is that supposed to mean?"
        "I don't know, but this needs to stop." I grumbled. "Guess I'll have to stay here again-"
        "WRONG!" Mabel sprayed me with more confetti. "You need to see her face when I give her the sweater!" I picked the confetti out of my hair.
        "Dipper, don't you want to see Lilac's happy face grin ear to ear? You like her don't you?"
        "I actually-"
        "Don't care!" Mabel interrupted me. "You are coming with me now. Cover it up or something, because you're coming and that's final!" She threw confetti at me one last time before crawling under her own bed. I got up, rubbing the markings and got dressed. Mabel pulled out the sweater from a bin under the bed, and held it up to me.
        "What do you think?" Mabel asked me. I looked at it.
The sweater was a dark gray with long sleeves. On the front there was a tree, with a white trunk and blue leaves. I wasn't sure if Lilac would like the sweater, but I knew she liked trees and awful lot. I nodded approvingly and Mabel did a happy dance.
        "Oh I'm so excited!" She squealed. "I hope she likes it!"
        "I'm sure she will." I assured her. Instead of my regular jacket I instead put on a long sleeved hoddie. Thankfully it was pretty overcast today so I wouldn't be dying of heat. Mabel, with the sweater in hand, and I, really nervous, headed over to Lilac's tree.
        "LILAC!" Mabel was screeching. I winced with every call. Lilac came down with a small smile on her face.
        "Hey guys." She said. Her eyes lingered on my new attire. "Trying a new style are we?" she asked me.
        "Uhm...yeah." I said unconvincingly. She blinked and noticed Mabel's failure at containing her excitement.
        "Okay, why are you so happy?" She asked us.
        "I FINISHED YOUR SWEATER!" Mabel yelled, holding it out for Lilac to see. Lilac gasped, looking at it. I couldn't help but smile as she took the sweater and immediately put it on, hugging herself.
        "I love it!" she cried. "It's so soft and comfortable...and a tree? Mabel you are the best!" Lilac gave Mabel a tight hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!"
        "I'm so glad you like it!" Mabel gushed. "I had a really hard time deciding the colors. I tried to go off your own style but I knew you needed something different too. Like red! Or yellow! Or even pink!"
        "Ew, no way." Lilac scrunched up her face. "Yellow is not my color."
        "See, that's what I thought!" Mabel explained. "So even though I REALLY wanted to make you something bright and cheery, I knew that you prefer the cooler, darker colors. Oh, and white too. Obviously." Mabel rolled her eyes.
        "Yeah, obviously." Lilac rolled her eyes too. Then they laughed and I couldn't hold back a smile.
        "Hey, Dipper?" Lilac suddenly turned to me. "Is everything okay?"
        "What?" I started. "Oh! Yeah, yeah, everything is, um, fine. Yes, everything is perfectly fine..." I coughed nervously.
        "Dipper..." Lilac narrowed her eyes compassionately. "What's wrong?"
        "Nothing!" Mabel and I said at the same time. We looked at each other, panicking.
        "It's just that-" Mabel started.
        "She was-" I said quickly. Lilac smirked and chuckled a little.
        "Dipper," Lilac said. "Your arm. Something is wrong with it. It's not giving off an aura properly. Like something is blocking it. You didn't get a cyber arm, did you? Because that fad isn't supposed to happen for another hundred centuries." She took my arm gently but firmly, and pulled back the sleeve.
        "There's nothing-" I tried to stop her but she was surprisingly strong. Lilac gasped when she saw the markings on my arm. It seemed that they were glowing just a bit brighter now than before.
         "Miror, the reflector of the world..." Lilac whispered, reading the markings. She looked at my face with wide eyes and I stared back. "Dipper what is this?" She asked. 
         "Bill." I explained, sighing. "He's been writing stuff on me. Don't worry about it, they go away after a while."
        "I can't believe this..." She said softly, in awe.

The new girl in Gravity Falls; by Joona IreneWhere stories live. Discover now