Lilac Finds out.

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By Joona Irene

~~still Lilac POV~~

        "Go long!" Dipper yelled.
        "You wish!" I yelled back, scampering away. He threw the ball and it fell on the ground two feet away from him.
        "Man..." Dipper sighed and kicked it at me. I caught it and tossed it to Mabel, who was on the roof.
        "Dipper you suck at this!" Mabel laughed at him as she dropped it down. He caught it with a frown.
        "Let's do something else." He suggested, frowning at Mabel.
        "No way!" I said. "This is fun. Throwing a dead animal skin back and forth," I kicked a pebble. "And back and forth..."
        "Yeah okay fine." Mabel sighed. She stood. "Lilac catch me!" Then she jumped. I ran and slid underneath her, becoming soft and squishy.
        "Oof!" Mabel crawled off me. "Thanks!"
        "Sure, but a little more warning next time aright?" I asked, inflating my squished parts. I stood.
        "So what else do you guys do around here?" I asked them. They shrugged.
        "Well..." Dipper whispered.
        "What?" I asked.
        "Would you like to maybe...well, never mind, I mean, it's kinda could, me?" His eyes got really wide and I noticed his face turning red.
        "What do you need help with?" I asked, tilting my head. "I won't mind."
        "Well, I have been trying to find the Author of this journal for a while, all summer actually. I was wondering if you could help. I mean, you've read it a bit, so you already know about how it talks about the mysteries and secrets of this town."
        "Mostly." I shrugged. He nodded.
        "Yeah, so I figured you, with all your powers and stuff, could, I don't know, I mean, help?"
        "Sure thing." I said.
        "Aww, you too are so cute!" Mabel suddenly snapped a picture. "Scrapbook!"
        "W-wha...?" I held my hands to my eyes, everything being a bit blurry. Dipper groaned.
        "Mabel stop that!" He tried to shove her but she ran, laughing in an evil way. Dipper rubbed his head.
        "What is a scrapbook?" I asked. "And why does it hurt my eyes?" I rubbed them and the dancing dots went away.
        "Don't mind her." Dipper said. "C'mon, let's go inside."
We went up to their room and Dipper explained to me his little web of pictures and string. I listened carefully, wondering how all of this started. Dipper's obsession with finding this one man (I mean, the handwriting is just terrible) was deeply rooted.
        "So wait, what does Lil' Gideon In the Big House have anything to do with this?" I asked.
        "Well he worked with Bill." Dipper explained. "And Bill is after the journal, so is Gideon want to journal too? Because he used to have influence over the entire town, and he already had the second journal, so...well, it's confusing. And I've been trying to make sense of it all, but..." He laid back on the floor.
        "Hmm..." I said, looking at all the pictures. "Well, you're defiantly missing something. Something maybe obvious, yet insignificant. Something that could tie this all together. Why does Bill want the journal? That seems like a good place to start."
        "He wanted to destroy it." Dipper said, still on the floor. "It would get in the way of his 'Big plans'. He said something huge was coming."
        "Huge literally?"
        "I don't know."
        "Okay, and he tried to destroy it how?"
        "He took my body and tried to get it..."
        "Yeah but how?"
        "I don't know! We didn't let him get to it!" He huffed, sitting up. "And I don't know what he wants. It's always cryptic."
        "Seems typical." I said. "Anyways, well, is there anything you haven't told me maybe? Anything could be important."
        "Oh, uh..." Dipper looked away. "No...? I mean no."
        "You didn't sound sure."
        "Nah, there isn't anything. Psh."
        "Dipper..." I blinked, smiling at him. "Tell me. I don't care if it's embarrassing."
        "It's not that. Well, it's just that you might be mad." Dipper sighed. "Do you remember the day you ran away and hid inside the lake? And when you came out you said you had to leave, and you were really confused about how we knew so much about you?"
        "Yes...." I said. He isn't saying what I think he's saying, is he? I was so careful...I made everybody promise to not write anything. No one would've betrayed me like that, would they've? No, I'm almost certain that everything was destroyed. All those documents, all those books and reports, they were burned I'm certain of that. But then...
        "Well," He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me. I didn't even look at it, I was staring at Dipper.
        "Who gave this to you?" I asked calmly.
        "We found it." He said, pointing to the picture. "It talks about you, Lilac. That's how we knew how to find you. That's how we knew how to ask you to stay with us. That page, I'm pretty sure it was written by the same Author as the journals. I didn't want to show you because, well, I was worried you'd be upset. Or like, super weirded out, or something."
        Slowly my eyes traveled down to the page in my hands. It was covered in wax it seemed, giving it a glossy sheen. There was my picture, in my natural black form, and arrows pointing to it. There was also a long paragraph explaining how this person met me and such. I looked at the picture and felt anger.
        "Alloyed metal..." I whispered, then chuckled. "Not even close."
        "Are-Are you mad?" Dipper asked, flinching a little.
        "Of course I'm upset." I said, gripping the page tightly. "Whoever did this was obviously not paying attention to what I said. And they also broke their promise. That's just..." I sighed. "That's just disappointing. I want to destroy this, Dipper. I want to rip it to shreds."
        "What? Y-You can't! I need that!" He snatched it away, or tried to. He failed and tripped over his own feet, falling onto his knees.
        "No you don't." I said calmly. "Dipper, I'm right here. Why would you need this? What more could you need than the living, well, sort of, thing right here? Plus, this is dangerous. What if somebody else got ahold of it, Dipper? Hello? Big trouble for me!"
        "Well, I guess...but, just wait? What if that page could help me find the author? You wouldn't destroy it then, right?"
        "True." I mussed. "'s just so...precarious. And full of lies too. I mean, I've never given anybody any reason to not trust me! I don't lie, not really. I mean, sort of. But also not. Yeah, nope."
        "Lilac, please, I need that page. It could help with..." he pointed to the web. "this."
        I sighed. I hated this page and wanted to destroy it. Obviously I couldn't burn it since the wax would take forever to melt off and then it wouldn't drip away like it should. It would have to be torn up in such a way that it couldn't be put together again, ever. I realized that if I ever left Gravity Falls, I'd have to take this page with me, and dispose of it properly.

The new girl in Gravity Falls; by Joona IreneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant