Genocide is what...again?

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By Joona Irene

~~still Lilac POV~~

I was sleeping. No energy. It was the closest thing to death I was capable of doing. Actual sleep. No dreams. No breath. I was still. No thought, just kind of floating. I didn't hear anything either. Just black, just dark. Nothingness surrounded me and my closed eyes. People couldn't open them if they tried. True peace, true sleep. I had been careless in my fear of Bipper. I didn't pay attention to what was happening to myself, and now I was the most vulnerable I'd been in eons...ages.
One would think that a creature like me would want to stay like this. But unfortunately while I am sleeping any fool could come over and pick me up, take me anywhere, show me to anybody. I could be revealed as the monster I was. People could take guns and fire them at my peaceful, sleeping form and watch as the bullets ricochet. A person could sharpen knives on my sleeping self in front of business representative, and try to imagine what kind of a business would be interested in seeing that. You don't have to get too creative. That's why I can't have peace. Nobody would ever let me.
Suddenly I get feeling back. Touch. I'm lying down, something cold and liquid is on my face and neck, something warm is around my ankles. I have just enough energy to open my eyes...
A bright light floods my vision and I see Mabel pouring water on me. I open my mouth as wide as I can, allowing even more water to get absorbed. My vision shifts to the warmth around my ankles, and I see Bipper is holding them. Now that I think about it, rather tightly. Immediately I try to pull away, but I'm not strong enough. I barely move my knees.
"A little bit more Mabel." Bipper was saying. How did he know how to wake me up? How is that possible? Mabel pours more water in my mouth and eventually I gain the strength to sit up. I do so, ripping the bucket away from her and I swallow it whole, making my mouth big enough to let fit fit of course. I didn't care if Mabel saw, or Bill. I needed the energy. As soon as it finished dissolving, I tried to get out of Bipper's grasp. I squirmed and pulled, twisting, writhing, anything really. That sensation was there, and I desperately wanted it to go away, to escape, to run as far as I could, just to get him off me.
The sensation was one of attraction. Not necessarily like the kind people call love, though it is applicable. But the way I was designed was to help specific types of people. Bad people. At their touch I feel drawn to them and they to me, causing a magnetic, not literally, pull. I spent my exsistance avoiding this feeling. And wow, here it is again. Lucky me, I get to continue fighting my own primal nature.
"Mabel, help me hold her!" Bipper asked, struggling to hold on. Mabel rushed over and I was so very confused.
"It's Bill!" I shouted to her. "Let me go, it's Bill!"
"I know that Lilac!" Mabel said. "But he said he could help you. What choice do I have?"
"Every other choice!" I argued. I kept squirming but I felt my energy starting to drop again.
"Lilac, just relax. I'm not going to hurt you." Bipper pleaded with me. I stopped struggling and he smiled that giant grin. Then I ripped one leg out and kicked him in the face.
"Wowza!" He screeched. "Oh, oh pain! Oh this is so incredible!" He held his nose, where I had kicked him. But then I saw the color of my skin...
It wasn't a fleshy pale. It was black. Shiny black. It gleamed in the bright light. I screamed as I saw that I looked like myself, my true self. My hair was short, my eyes huge and glowing, and my skin was the shiny black that could be easily mistaken for dark diamonds or obsidian.
"How did this happen?" I yelled. "This...this..." I shut my eyes, knowing it couldn't be a dream. It wasn't in my nature to dream. But I wished it was. Now some maniac and a close friend were not only working together but had also seen what I really looked like. My true form...
"She didn't faint right?" Mabel asked, worried.
"Why, why, why?" I moaned. "Why? Why? Why, why?"
"Because you look better this way." Bipper said. He let go of my ankles and slid up next to me on the floor. I didn't even try to run now. What was the point? Bipper's breath was hot against my face. I didn't look at him. I wanted to cry.
"Lilac, why so sad? You're stunning. It makes me wonder why you hide at all."
"Because of people like you." I spat. I sat up and immediately regretted it. I was getting tired again...I needed water. I needed something.
"Mabel..." I asked. "Where are we? Can I get some water?"
"Sure Lilac!" She said, getting up and running off.
"We're in the backyard." Bipper said. He put a hand on my shoulder and dragged me down so I was lying on my back again.
Why are you doing this to me?" I asked, staring at the sky. "How come you know so much about me? How to wake me up, my only mirror. My shards...why?"
"Because until now you haven't been attainable." Bipper said simply. "For one, I can't know you because you don't have a brain for me to enter. For another, you spend a lot of time hiding, running, and erasing yourself from history. That makes you hard to find. In reality I'm an omnipresence with unlimited knowledge and made of pure energy. But none of that applies to you, because without physically being near you," at this he snuggled closer to me so our arms were touching, "I can't see you. And honestly I can't stand to know that there is something I can't have. I can't play with you like I can every other pathetic mortal here. You're special. You're powerful. And I want that."
"But how do you know so much about me?" I asked. "Like, how to wake me up, for example?"
"You can't erase everything Lilac." Bipper smirked. "When without a body I can see into the minds and memories of every person on the globe. Jayson had quite a lot of children, didn't he?"
"If you know Jayson at all," I growled. "Then you know to leave him out of this."
"Touchy." Bipper chuckled. "So you seriously sent him to die?"
"Don't." I warned. "Don't make me go there." Bipper moved even closer, so close that I could hear his heart beating. The feeling grew even stronger and it was difficult to fight that stupid pull. I hated it so very much.
"Why not?" Bipper asked, curious. I didn't answer. I didn't, couldn't think about Jayson. Bipper seemed okay with this and moved on.
"Wow, Mabel is taking a long time." He remarked. I stayed silent, wishing I could just push him away. Thankfully he got up and followed where Mabel had gone.
I laid there, thinking about what he said. How I was unattainable to him. How he wanted me because I was special and powerful. When Bipper was gone I noticed the feeling dissapered. It was crushing, due to how strong it had been before.
If that pull I naturally felt was equivalent to love, then I never wanted it. The last time I gave in the planet ended up being me. In a blood rage my most previous 'friend' asked me to destroy the world he hated so much. I did what he asked blindly, not knowing how much it would hurt me afterwards. Genocide. Five of them were on my record, all the same planet. Twenty some odd dimensions, twenty some odd Earths, and five of them are crispy black balls covered in dust and ash. It sounds like a big deal but that's something I've done. It has become as simple as opening my mouth and consuming quite literally everything.
But sometimes I wondered if I could ever be happy without someone like that. It was in my nature, after all, in my design. Could I truly feel joy without that terrible pull? It was the closest thing to love I was capable of. I had discovered that the hard way. Love just wasn't something I could do. So then this sensation was, really, as good as it got for me. And I could never have it. Because having it meant death to everything I cared about.
"Lilac!" I heard my name be called. I got up on my elbows and looked around. To my immediate left there was a sock puppet that looked a lot like Dipper.
"Huh." I said, seen there was Dipper's aura coming out of the puppet, as if he was controlling it. "Well, whatever works, I guess."
"Lilac, please, it's me, Dipper and I don't have a lot of time. I told Mabel to stall Bill so you could get away! Please hurry!"
"How are you going to get your body back?" I asked.
"That doesn't matter." Dipper said. "You just need to know that Bill is evil! You can't be around him or help him in any way because it'll backfire! Nothing good ever happens because of him."
"That's a little hypocritical, don't you think?" I scoffed. "And besides, I already know that. Also, I'm stuck."
"Then get unstuck!" Dipper exclaimed, waving his yard puppet arms in the air. "You just can't let Bill get you!"
"Hey Lilac!" I heard Bipper calling for me. I sat up further, and looked around. The Mystery Shack was a couple of yards away...could I make it? If I could get to the fridge I could eat food, lots of food. Human food was packed full of chemicals and other stuff, like sugar, which would be good for me to run away. I shakily stood and made a break for the Shack just as Bipper came around the corner. I heard him mutter something under his breath as I made it through the door and slammed it shut. I started getting super tired again. I made my way to the kitchen and opened the fridge. The first thing that caught my eye was a carton of eggs. Protein. I swallowed the carton whole. Then just as Bipper slammed the door behind him I downed a couple of apples. Then I got on my knees and turned on the sink water, then guzzled the cold cool liquid. Bipper came in and laughed at what he saw. My entire head was in the sink, my mouth wide open and water pouring in with a little overflow dripping down my cheek.
"You're so perfect." He snickered. "But I can't let you do that." he came over to where I was and tried to pull me off the nozel. I gripped it tightly, still drinking the water. Bipper sighed and shut it off, then pulled me up so I was facing him.
"Lilac please don't leave. There's still so much I want to talk to you about. I'm not going to hurt you like other people have in your past. I know about them. Quite the demented fellows, so I can see why you're afraid of me. I am insane, no getting around that. But please let me satisfy my curiosity."
"Why? What do I have to prove to you? I'll do anything, name your price. Jump off a bridge? Kill a man?"
"There is nothing." I hissed. "Nothing you do will change my mind. Your aura speaks loud enough."
"You have a way with colors, don't you?" Bipper chuckled. "Always have, I'm afraid. Well, if you won't tell me everything, would you answer one question?"
"Wow, did you even think about that? A pretty quick response if you ask me."
"I didn't ask." I said curtly.
"No, of course you didn't." Bipper frowned. "Why would you understand? I only spent eons trying to find you and get inside your mind so we could talk. I only rifled through the heads of every person on the planet to find what little scraps of history you left behind." Bipper suddenly smirked. "Tell me, did Hitler chew with his mouth open?"
"No, his table manners were superb." I said, surprised Bipper found out about that. He grinned wider.
"So here's the thing Lilac. If I leave and give Dipper back his body, all that work will be for nothing. And I won't be able to talk to you again, ever, because you don't have a mind for me to enter. Do you see what I'm saying?"
"I do." I answered solemnly. "And I...I honestly feel bad for you. But as much as I pity you," he growled when I said that, "I care more about this planet then your curiosity." with that, I made myself look human again, like before. Pale skin, long white hair, black shirt and pale blue pants.
"Wh...what is that supposed to mean?" He asked. "What do you have to do with the planet?"
"Everything." I said quietly, firmly, menacingly. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I realized that Stanford was awake. I quickly ran out of the kitchen and bumped into Mabel.
"Lilac stop!" She said, grabbing my arms. "You can't leave!"
"Watch me." I snapped, pulling away from her.
"But Bipper threatened to...he said he would never give Dipper's body back until you...until he...please, don't leave..." I could see tears in her eyes.
"He said that?" I asked. "Typical. Always gotta have one up on me, always! Why do they always do that?" I asked angrily. Mabel was sad and confused.
"They...?" She sniffled.
"I must admit, I don't give you enough credit." I whirled around to see Bipper leaning up against the door frame. "Guess what, I figured it out!"
"Figured what out?" I asked, feeling a bit scared.
"What you said. Heck, what you've been saying!" he slapped his forehead. "I'm a dummy for not seeing it sooner. I know why you're afraid!"
"Really?" I scoffed "I doubt that."
"Then doubt no longer my friend!" He grinned madly. "You're afraid that you'll hurt somebody by hanging with me. You don't want to give me, an insane being of pure energy and knowledge, the chance of being your friend because you think I'll ask you to hurt pathetic, tiny humans! Or you know, partake in a Genocide or whatever. Like I said, I don't give you enough credit. I mean sure, I knew you were powerful, but man, GENOCIDE? That's amazing. You're amazing." He said, awestruck. "You don't need to worry about that though. All I want to do is be your friend. A true friend." he stressed. "I have been around a long, long time, and I don't plan on going away. Unlike her." He pointed at Mabel. "Unlike him." he pointed at Dipper's aura, who had floated in shortly after Mabel came in. "So how about it?" He asked. "Will you let me be your friend?"
"Something tells me you would want more than that." I said, thinking about that cursed sensation. "It's hard to resist a pull that strong. It'll consume you." I warned.
"Maybe." he shrugged. "Maybe not. I'm not like everyone else. I'm new territory. Have you ever met a demon before, Lilac?"
"Then try me. Try me!" he begged.
"You threatened Mabel, and Dipper." I pointed out. "That's kind of heartless."
"Mere securities." he waved his hand. "If I didn't, we wouldn't be talking right now. Tell you what. Give me a day, and, if you still think you're better off alone, then I'll give back Dipper to Dipper and I'll leave you alone."
"You don't get anything from that."
"Do I hear concern?"
"Skepticism." I corrected. "Why would you give yourself a no-win situation? That isn't like you."
"And you're basing that off my aura, right? Well, that's fine. If you're sure you want to keep doing the same thing, over and over and over...for the rest of your life..." he grinned, and began to walk away. I watched him go to the door.
"Wait! Where are you going?" Mabel cried.
"Probably off to some place with no food and lots of really, really tall trees. Hey maybe I can try flying!" He grinned at Mabel. Mabel gasped.
"You can't do that!" Mabel said angrily. "You HAVE to give his body back! It was a deal!"
"I never guaranteed what kind of condition I would leave it in." He smirked. He looked up at Dipper. "Did I?" Mabel growled.
"Come here you evil little triangle!" Mabel tackled Bipper and started tickling him.
"Ah! Oh my word! AH! HAHA HAHA HAHA HAA! S-sto...hee, no, no, STOP it! Mabel!" He shoved her away. She tumbled back stunned.
"But..." she said, "It worked last time..."
"Which is precisely why I chose the same body as last time! I'm accustomed to it now. Oh sure it felt the same, but it isn't as stunning. His eye twitched a little. "Well, bye! ...Lilac." he added before heading for the door. Mabel looked at me and I knew what she was silently asking me to do. Even though Dipper left his sock self outside...I guess...I could still feel him asking me the same thing. I clenched my fists tightly.
"Bill!" I shouted. His head popped in the doorway.
"Yes?" He asked.
"I'll take your offer." I hissed. "One day with you." I walked over to him and he smiled brightly in my face.
"Excellent." He purred, his face some weird evil joy...thing. It was rather hard to see Dipper's face anymore. Dipper would never make that face at me. It would be toned down, by a lot.
I walked out of the door with Bipper and I began contemplating the fate of the planet.

The new girl in Gravity Falls; by Joona IreneWhere stories live. Discover now