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By Joona Irene

~~Lilac POV~~

        I waited in my tree, scanning the sky for clouds. It was dark now, and I wondered if they would be coming, or if they would wait until morning.  Suddenly I spotted three aura's in the distance, coming towards me. They looked like Dipper and Mabel and McGucket.
        I closed my eyes, feeling joy surge up. If McGucket was coming then did he maybe...not...hate me? Could a talk really have done such magic? It didn't seem possible. He was reeking of fear and hatred when I last saw him, and if he became understanding just after one conversation, I would owe Dipper and Mabel big time.
        I didn't wait for them to yell at me. I fell out of the tree once they came close enough. It was dark so my eyes were glowing, which caused McGucket to hide behind Mabel.
        "Hey..." I said shyly. "Surprise..."
        "They tell me youra friendly monster." McGucket said, his voice shaking. "And I wanna 'pologize for-a callin you names. I was a scared you see. In fact-a-doodle, I still kinda am. Specially with your eyes all lit up like that, big and blue." He came out from behind Mabel a little. "But Dipper and Mabel say you want to be friends with me. I don't know if I believe them entirely, but..."
        I walked over and gave him a hug, squeezing my eyes shut.
        "I'm sorry I scared you." I said softly. "It was an accident and I didn't mean to. And they're right," I said, releasing him from my hug. "I do still want to be your friend. I always have."
        "And, you won't hurt me?" He asked, tentatively.
        "I would never try to hurt you." I said calmly.
        "Well, okie-dokie and a slap-happy! Ima glad that's over!" He said. I laughed a little. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Bill again, hovering behind the tree like he was trying to hide. I tightened my jaw but didn't say anything. Why was he still hanging around?
        "Well," Dipper yawned. "It's getting late so...see you tomorrow I guess." He and Mabel walked back to their place. I didn't want McGucket walking home all by himself in the dark, so I came with him. I even tucked him into "bed" and sang him a lullaby. Stupid Bill Cipher followed us though, and he continued to follow me when I returned to the tree. I climbed up and settled myself on a branch, overlooking the forest.
        The night was warm, it being summer and all. A gentle breeze pushed through the trees and made my hair go wild. My hand reached up to the ribbon McGucket had given me to make sure it hadn't been blown away. My fingers traced the silky surface and I relaxed a bit. The stars above me glittered brightly, as if they were trying to prove something. I smiled, feeling happiness. I had three friends now, and it felt great. I could rest in my tree knowing that, somewhere, people cared about me. People cared where I went and what I did, people thought about me when I was away for the night. I didn't feel so alone anymore.
         Then of course Bill dropped into view, silent as usual. I think it was worse that he couldn't speak, because I really wanted him to understand that no matter what he did, I wouldn't trust myself to him ever again. I sighed.
        "Go away." I muttered. He seemed to extend something, probably a hand, and it rested on my shoulder. It could've been a cane too, I wasn't sure since it was just the aura smoke. But I just assumed he was putting a hand on my shoulder, and he floated next to me.
        "Cleary you can't hear me either." I huffed. I stood and floated away to a different tree, my feet gently landing on a branch. Bill's aura stayed put for the rest of that night. I glared at him between my star gazing sessions. When I was younger I used to track constellations because honestly, when you are alone and you don't need to sleep, what else are you going to do?
        But the stars weren't nearly as interesting as my new stalker. I eventually stopped looking up at the sky and just glared at Bill. What could he be thinking?
        More than likely me, in some way. Sure it sounds vain but it was my best guess. How would he feel about me now? Does he really think we could still be friends? He must have been watching me all day, and would've seen everything that happened. Me making new friends couldn't be good news for him. He must hate all my friends now. Maybe he think they're taking me away from him. He wouldn't hurt them...would he? More importantly, could he?
        I continued glaring at him until my glare softened into a simple stare. I was trying to think of how he could try and hurt Dipper, Mabel and McGucket...and maybe others. I ran a list of everybody I knew through my head. Grenda, Soos, Candy, Wendy, Stanford, the other teenagers, that one waitress. People I knew. What could Bill do to them?
        I briefly considered the possibility that he would possess their bodies. But that thought quickly vanished. Bill knew that I could recognize his aura anywhere, regardless of the body he was in.
        So what else would he do? He must hate them a lot, maybe he even hates me. Hates me for leaving him, for cutting our friendship as soon as it was starting to grow. I recalled all the other bad ones I'd left behind.
        Xavier. He was the worst of them all, aside from my own Creator. Xavier was tormented after I ran away. He formed a secret opts team to hunt me down, and when that didn't work he became a serial killer, targeting any girl who looked even remotely like me. Well, the human me anyways. Poor, poor demented Xavier. He ended up going mad, literally mad, screaming at anybody who would listen to him about what he knew. I remember that night I had to kill him vividly. It was...well...it was sad for me. I caused something rotting in him already to get worse and worse.
        Would that happen to Bill Cipher? Would he go mad with anger, frustration, jealousy, like Xavier? Or was I maybe too late?
        I mentally punched myself, feeling stupid. Why I never thought these things through was beyond me. I decided right then that if things started getting out of hand, I'd leave all my friends behind and travel far away from them.

The new girl in Gravity Falls; by Joona IreneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora