Stay strong...

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By Joona Irene

~~Bill/Bipper POV~~

Lilac walked out the door with me, her unhappiness very evident on her face. That was alright, she'd forget it soon.
        "So what do you want to do?" she said asked me sadly.
        "Cheer up!" I said, setting a brisk pace. "We're going to have fun today!"
        "Uhuh." She said, not convinced.
        "We will! I'll make sure of it." I smiled the best smile I could make with Dipper's weak face muscles. She didn't say anything after that. I led her to a secluded place in the woods, near that tree she often rests in. I stopped and dropped to the ground, crossing my legs.
        "Let's play a game." I said, excited. I patted the ground in front of me and she sat. Excellent.
        "What is it?" She asked, still a little upset.
        "Well, Lilac it's a question game." I said, squirming in my spot. I wanted to hold her hand so badly. I wanted to feel that wonderful feeling again, that one I couldn't quite place. Was it joy? Excitement? Lust? Belonging? Something strong, that was for sure. Something that made me go all happy and made me want to Never. Let. Go. But I knew if I held her hand now she'd only feel repulsed. Did she feel the same? I would soon find out.
        " a question for a question type thing?" She asked with a sigh. "Yeah, okay. That's only typical." She nodded for me to go first. I frowned. This is normal for her. That can't happen. But, I need to know more about her first before the fun can begin.  She held her face with a hand propped up on her knee, looking rather bored. I held back a glimmer of anger at this.
        "What is that feeling?" I asked. "The one I get when I hold you or touch your skin?"
        "It's a bond." She said simply, as if she'd explained it a million times before. I scowled.
        "What does that mean? You didn't explain." I asked again. She shook her head.
        "Nope. My turn." She tapped her chin. "How long have you known about me?"
        "Ever since that strange storm, when the separate worlds collided on a single plane of energy and you stepped through it." I offered. "Caught my attention." I winked. "Now my turn again. What is the bond you mentioned?"
        "It's what happens when I meet certain people. Favorite color."
        "Yellow. Is it like human love?"
        "No, it's stronger. Favorite time of day."
        "Night. Stronger how? And what type of people?"
       "One at a time please."
        "What type of people?"
        She hesitated. I could see I struck some kind of nerve, some thing that she didn't really want to tell me. I stared at her, waiting with anticipation.
        "People...or things...with a certain color of aura. Brown, like you have, or black. Why did I catch your attention?"
        "Why those types of people?" I asked. She gave me a look. I rolled my eyes. "Because I'd never seen anything like you before. Alright? I thought pure energy only existed in an astral plane, something that couldn't hold it's own shell. But you can, evidently, and it intrigued me. Now why those types of people?"
        "Because the way I was designed was to gravitate towards those types of people. The way I was designed was to help demented, evil creatures fulfill their needs, wants, and horrible ways of life. The bond is a way of securing that design." She glared at me. "Ever killed anybody?"
        "Yup!" I cheered. "Have you?" I asked, teasing. She froze. I knew she was thinking about Jayson. And the Smiths family. And that one little orphaned girl. I couldn't stop myself from grinning as she struggled with her answer.
        "Y-y...yes." she whispered so quietly I almost missed it. "What are you going to do about it?" she asked in a hushed voice. This time I couldn't help but take her hand.
        "Not a thing." I whispered back, enjoying that feeling she described before. The bond. "Do you feel that?" I asked her, staring intently at her. She looked down at our hands, her face expressionless.
        "Yes." She said. Again I couldn't tell what she was feeling. That made me frustrated, but it soon passed because of that glamorous feeling. Lilac pulled away, though, and stared at the ground, angry. I tightened my teeth, keeping a smile on my lips.
        "It's your turn!" I exclaimed, forcing enthusiasm. She sighed.
        "How long are you going to keep playing this game?" She asked. Oh no, she was bored again. I couldn't have that! I grinned wider, if it was possible.
        "Well, I could keep going all day, but as soon as I get all the information I want we can do something even more fun than finding out about each other!" I looked at her hand, wanting to touch her warm skin again. Dipper's skin was so sweaty and clammy, touching those smooth, soft fingers not only was blissful, but felt great. I want your help so badly. Your power, your knowledge...
        "Now, how many other earths have you been to?" I asked. She looked taken aback and I laughed.
        "Yes, I know about that. Well?" I tilted my head.
        " least twenty." She said, still startled. "Uh...favorite food?"
        "Human soda!" I cried. She smiled a little. "What about you?" I asked.
        "Ice." she said. I made a mental note to remember that. "Uh..I can't think of anything else. Favorite super power I guess?" she cringed. "It's a bad one, I know. Sorry."
        "No no, not at all!" I reassured her. "I enjoy possession." She rolled her eyes.
        "Well, what about you? What is your favorite power?" I asked, knowing what she'd say.
        "Flight." She said, and I mentally praised myself.
        "Well, how about it?" I asked, standing and offering her my hand. She frowned and took my hand, and once again the bond was sent through me like happy fire.
        "You can't fly." She said, confused. I grinned and leaned in her face.
        "But you can." I said gently. "How about you give me a lesson?" I smirked, hoping she wouldn't refuse. When she lowered her eyes and caved her shoulders I knew she wanted to.
        "But, someone will see" She argued. "It isn't safe."
        "You don't have to hide around me." I assured her. "What could go wrong?"
        "How did you know I can fly?" She asked, her eyes still on the ground. "I haven't flown in forever!"
        "I did say I've been keeping an eye on you, didn't I?" I smirked. "Now come on. Up!"
        "I-I don't really...think...t-that I should." She took away her hand and crossed her arms, frowning. "And I don't trust you yet. I don't want you knowing too much about me."
        "Why's that? Afraid I'll give you the perfect birthday gift?"
        "Because you...are purple, and brown. Those's's hard to explain!" She deepened her frown. "And I'm only spending one day with you anyways, so why should I trust a stranger?"
        "Stranger?" I gasped. "Stranger? Why, name one person who knows you better than I! I dare you! Nobody knows you better than me. Not Dipper. Not Mabel. No one. Just because you don't know me doesn't mean you can't trust me."
        "That's exactly what it means!" she argued. I sighed, frustration birthing again. She really was difficult to manipulate, especially since I couldn't get inside her thoughts. With everyone else, every other puny human on this planet, one look at their brain and I could make them reveal their darkest secrets in a few minutes. But with Lilac I didn't have that advantage, I had to do it the old fashioned way.
        "Lilac, I'm trying to do you a favor." I said, looking directly into her eyes. "You've been hiding everything  special, amazing, fantastic about you from the world for longer than I've been watching. You have powers, you have the knowledge of dimensions and a thousand lifetimes, and you're stunning. Don't you think you've been hiding long enough? Let me see you fly. I want to see, not to manipulate you, or see how strong you are, but so I can see you for you."
        She looked up at me, finally. Then, after hesitating for a bit longer, her feet slowly lifted off the ground. I looked at her, hovering above me about a foot in the air, and smiled.
        "See! I knew you could do it!" I said, jumping with excitement. "Go higher!"
        "No, no, I really shouldn't."
        "Higher! Higher! Higher!" I chanted. She rolled her eyes and drifted far above my head, reaching the tops of the trees.
        "How's this?" She yelled down. I laughed.
         "Perfect!" I shouted back. "Now go!"
        "Go? Go where?"
        "Go fly somewhere and come back!"
        "But someone will see!"
        "People here are blunt and stupid! Nobody will notice you!"
        I could see her contemplate it. I knew that she wanted to, more than anything possibly, be free. After a few minutes, she took off like a bullet. I cracked a maniacal grin. this was going better than I thought it would. Soon she wouldn't have any qualms about me at all, and we could start working on my plans. Having a creature like Lilac on my side would be amazing. All that energy shielded by a hard, impenetrable shell that could shift and change to her will was phenomenal, and would be rather useful. Not only that, but she knew about other worlds, other versions of history that have changed and spun out into a different society. She knows their mistakes, their successes, while we are still discovering them. Useful to say in the least.
        It had only been a couple minutes when she came back. She landed and looked very tired.
        "How do you do it?" I asked, amazed.
        "It's simply mind over matter." She said, blinking slowly. "Quite literally. I just will myself to defy gravity and I float," She sat down. "Can we go get something to eat?"
        "Didn't you just eat five apples, a carton of eggs, a bucket full of water and five minutes of tap water?" I asked. "How can you be tired?"
        "Gravity is quite persuasive." She said, resting her head on her hand. "Flight takes up a lot of my energy. I would have to eat like a regular human if I wanted to fly more often."
        "Sure, we can go eat." I said, looking up at the sky. "It's about noon anyways." I helped her up and we headed into town. ""I looked through Dipper's pockets, only to find a chewed pen and a random bottle cap.
        "I can pay for it." She said casually.
        "Great!!" I said, relieved. "Let's go to that one woman's diner, it's the cheapest as far as I know. Unless you want to do more flying, in which case you'll probably need a higher quality of food." I winked at her.
        "No, that's okay." She said in a resigned kind of way. I felt bad about that, but I knew she shouldn't push herself too far.
        We walked into the diner and got seated at a booth by the window. I put my elbows on the table, resting my head in my hands.
        "So, what can I get you kids?" Susan asked us.
        "The lady here will have a glass of ice and a lettuce sandwich." I said. "And I'll have the biggest glass of soda you have!"
        "Okay!" She said cheerfully, then walked away. I looked back at Lilac.
        "So you really do watch me all the time." Lilac said, an eyebrow raised. I laughed.
        "I thought you might appreciate it if I ordered for you!" I said.
        "Sure, I suppose." She said. Her blue eyes lazily drifted over to the window. I stared at them, wondering about all the kinds of things they've seen. How many deaths have they witnessed? How many children born? How many wars have been waged, how many was she in? How much pain have they seen, how much joy? They dripped with histories unknown to me, and secret to the universe. Soon, very soon, they would be mine too. I hoped to uncover every secret those beautiful eyes had seen. Every. Single. One.
       And then I hoped to exploit that knowledge.

The new girl in Gravity Falls; by Joona IreneWhere stories live. Discover now