Chapter 6

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~ One week later ~
*Destinee's POV*

Okay this is actually been going better than I thought. Cameron is so sweet and he treats me like a Princess. But something weird has been going on.. I can just feel it. Like every couple nights I'll be sleeping and I feel Cameron move out of the bed (yes we sleep in the same bed now) in the middle of the night and he leaves. I don't know where he goes, but I want to find out.
Right now I'm laying in bed waiting for Cameron to get out of the bathroom. It's currently 10:46 pm. After a couple more minutes of waiting I see him walk out with his hair a bit messy and shirtless with a pair of grey sweatpants on.
I have to admit, he looks like he should be a model. He smirks at me staring at his toned figure and I roll my eyes at him just before a yawn hits me making me realize how tired i am. Today was a pretty long day between going to the beach and then going to the gym because Cameron wanted to work out and I decided to give it a try. And let me tell you, i get tired walking up the stairs, so just imagine the gym. I'd much rather be laying in bed and watching Netflix with a bunch of food than exercise.
"Hey." Cameron spoke taking me out of my thoughts. I smiled at him. "Heyyy" I said back to him as he got in bed. I get under the covers and Cameron does the same and puts his arm around my waist and brings me closer to him. I smiled at the gesture . It felt nice to be in his arms. After a while of thinking, I doze off into sleep.
~ About 1 AM ~
I am awoken by Cameron moving in the bed. Again? Where could he be going at this time of night? Maybe I could wait one more night, but if he does this again I'm following him and seeing where he has been going.
*Cameron's POV*
I finally get up at around 1 AM. I have to go meet the others and tell them how everything is going. It was apparently made a part of our deal even though we never even talked about it. They still say I can't get too serious with her which is actually really hard because because honestly, I may have only known her for not even two weeks, but it feels like I'm falling in love with her. Her smile brightens my whole day and just the sound of her voice is like heaven. And her beautiful eyes.. I could look into them forever. Its not even her looks. Her personality is golden, and, I don't think I've ever met someone at perfect as her. I can't let the others near her. I don't know what i'd do if they did something to her. I have to do anything it takes to protect her.
I notice Destinee's still asleep as I get out of bed, that's a releif. If she noticed me leaving, I wouldn't know what to say without sounding too suspicious.
Im about to leave when I realize I forgot something. A shirt. Why do I always do this?Anyways, I go upstairs and very quietly get a black T shirt throwing it on and then rush out the door and head to the same place where I always meet the rest of the pack.
When I get there, I stand there silently waiting alone, leaning against a tree. I hear fast movements around me in the leaves and next thing I know I'm knocked to the ground by a wolf with familiar blue eyes looking down at me with a growl. I just push him off me and get up as he forms as a person. "So Nash," I say. "what a great way to say hello." I say with a bit of sarcasm. "Oh shush... Now tell me. Is she beginning to trust you?" Nash asks as I notice the other wolves gathered around just watching. "Well, quite frankly, I don't know yet." I say with a shrug. "Well you better find out unless you would like to know what it's like being turned inside out." He snarls at me. "Don't worry, I will. I see why you guys chose me to be the bate, you guys really need to learn to control yourselves. Maybe even speak like a proper human." I speak. They others just give off some quiet growls as Nash comes closer to me. I like to play cool and act as if I don't care about her just in case they suspect anything. "You think this is a joke?" Nash sternly asks. I just shrug again and respond, "No. But you guys are quite, quite, over dramatic about these things. The real question is, why do we have to eat humans?? Why can't we just eat other animals. Or real human food?" Nash rolls his eyes at me. "You know we can't do that. Humans are the only thing that actually keeps us living" he emphasises on the word living. I know that. I don't know why, but if we don't eat humans, it kind of just slowly kills us while if we do eat them, we are sure to live for a very, very long time. I sigh. "Okay.. Fine. I plan on taking her on another date tonight. You guys can watch from afar. It'll be at the state park." I explain. Nash just smirks and states. "We'll be there."

Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long. And I'm really sorry if this doesn't make as much sense compared to the rest of my story. I kind of lost my plans I had. But I'll do my best. Anyways, here are my social medias 😊
Instagram: @kaylea.anderson
Instagram fan acc #1: @magconrawr
Instagram fan acc #2: @becauseespinosa
Twitter: @hisnameespinosa

He Changed My Life ~ A Cameron Dallas fanficWhere stories live. Discover now