Chapter 9

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"Why did I ever do this?"


*a few hours later*

Destinee's POV:

I wake up and I realize I'm in a very very dimly lit room. The only light is from the moon shining through a hole in the wall. The floor is also freezing. I try to move to stand up but I realize there's a cold metal around my wrists and that I'm stuck here.

Where am I? I wonder to myself as I try to pull at these chains that just won't budge. I feel my stomach turn as I hear something else in the room not being able to see anyone. Until I hear a deep and exhausted voice.

"Destinee? Are you in here?" I hear a voice sounding like Cameron's.

"Cam?" I question, still a bit scared but relieved.

"Mhm. Are you okay?" He asks as I hear a motion that must be him sitting up with a cough.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Are you okay?" As I'm hearing the way he's talking, he doesn't sound like he's all that okay.

"Yeah, just a little beat up." He lightly chuckles as if trying to lighten the mood. I shake my head at him knowing the mood can't be lightened right now.

"Where are we?" I ask looking around as worry starts to fill my head again.

"We're at the cave. This is where we all stay." He explains. But I'm still confused because I remember seeing wolves before I blacked out.

"We?" I ask him, also wondering what he means.

He sighs. I can tell he's been meaning to tell me something, and I'm about to find out. I should have known that this would happen. He used me too. Just like everyone else even after he said he wouldn't.

"Listen.. Destinee, I know I should have told you this a long time ago. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, but I'm a werewolf. And the others? Yeah they are too. There's a lot of us but we make sure the word never gets out about us. Nash made me make a deal because I had told him I met you. I didn't think he would make such a big deal of it, but he did. He wanted me to get you to trust me enough so I could take you here and you'd be killed. Everyone keeps complaining how hungry they are, and all they've been wanting is you. I've been trying to make sure that you wouldn't get hurt no matter what and maybe they would forget, but they won't let it go. I'm so sorry I got you into this. I understand if you hate me now." He confesses sounding disappointed in himself. It's a whole lot for me to go take in. He's a werewolf? I thought those weren't real. And they want to hurt me? Why me? All I know now is that I'm worried because we might be getting killed, but also I feel bad for Cameron. I know I should hate him. But how could I? Im starting to fall for him even though that's probably wrong. I told myself I wouldn't let that happen. But here I am.

I just don't respond to what he says, because I don't want to tell him what he did was okay, because it wasn't. But it wasn't entirely his fault. He was just telling people about me and they got an idea. I don't even know what to feel anymore.

Cameron's POV:

There. I told her. And I'm sure that she hates me. She hasn't said a word to me. I feel terrible. And now that they know she knows about us, they won't just kill me. They'll kill her too. She doesn't deserve this. Just like I don't deserve her. I shouldn't have even had her stay. I could have taken her over to my friend Matthews house, but I guess I let my feelings get in the way. It's just when I saw her, she was like an angel. Her beautiful blonde hair, and her eyes, I just got lost in them. And just I love how she's so sweet, yet if she wants to know something, she'll make sure she'll find out. I know I love her. But now might be a bad time to tell her.

Now all I have to do is save our lives because we're still not done with this fight. I notice how there's keys over by the door. They must be to our chains. I just have to figure out how to get them.


Destinee's POV:

We've been sitting here for about an hour or so until we hear footsteps. I breathe out knowing someone's coming for who knows why.

"Hey." I hear Cameron trying to get my attention.


"Look. There's keys right by the door. Maybe we could find a way to grab them." He explains and I look over there and I see them. But they're all the way across the room, so how would we possibly get them?

"How?" I wonder. I wait as he thinks of something real quick and he manages to get a bit closer to me and tells me the plan. Maybe it could work.
Soon someone walks in, about the age of Cameron and has blonde hair. And I guess this is my queue to start our plan.

I scream really loud and start breathing really heavily and I move around a lot. The guy gives me a confused look as I continue to act like I'm freaking out over something.

"What's wrong with her?" He asks sternly to Cam.

"She's claustrophobic. This cave is too small for her to be in here." He explains. I really hope this plan works.

He looks to me and sighs because he grabs the keys and goes near me to unlock the chains. When he unlocks it he starts to bring me to the door and I elbow him in the stomach and push him to the wall making him hit his head and
Then going to the ground. Wow, I've never done that. I'm breathing heavily looking to Cameron who looks a bit shocked.

"Woah. That was pretty awesome." He says laughing. I laugh too and grab the keys from the guy I just knocked out and go to Cam and unlock his chains too. He stands up and pulls he close hugging me tightly. I can't help but hug him back, because who knows when we might get this chance again.

"I think we should head out now." I say into his shoulder after a couple minutes. Someone might come looking for the blonde soon. Cameron nods and we pull away and head out and look around real quick before running down the pathway and then we run into someone who I wish we hadn't.

HEYYY, so that's all I got today but I hope this was good 😂 I'm suprised with how long it is.

He Changed My Life ~ A Cameron Dallas fanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt