Chapter 1: Welcome...

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The Bell rings, Kurt and Blaine are walking and talking about Broadway stuff and so Kurt leaves Blaine and Blaine heads towards his locker.

 (At Blaine’s locker) as Blaine puts his books away, a short girl named Alyson came towards Blaine while carrying a stack of books and sports equipment. As she was getting close to her locker, her books fell. Blaine helps her pick up the books.

 Blaine: You new here huh?

Aly: Yeah.

Blaine: Well hi I’m Blaine

Aly: Hi, I’m Alyson but I prefer Aly. Thanks for helping me.

Blaine: No problem Aly, You’ll like it here. There are so many things you can accomplish here in McKinley High.

Aly: Really? Wow! Thanks; I really want to focus on my sports

Blaine: Really? What do you play?

Aly: Softball, Soccer, Volleyball and yeah

Blaine: That’s pretty cool!

Aly: (laughs) thanks, so what do you do here?

Blaine: I sing in this club called the Glee Club.

Aly: What’s the Glee Club?

Blaine: I’ll show you (Blaine takes Aly to the choir room and everyone was arguing about the songs for regional’s.)

Kurt: (spotted Blaine) Hi Blaine!

(Everyone looks at Blaine with a new girl)

Santana: Who’s the munchkin?

Mr. Schuester: Santana try to be nice, which do you have here Blaine?

Blaine: This is Aly and she’s new here at McKinley. She wanted to know what the glee club was.

Mr. Schuester: Well hi there Aly, I’m Mr. Schuester and the Glee club is the place where you can express yourself whether its dancing or singing. Do you have any singing experience? (To Aly)

Aly: ummm a little (gets a nervous, first time that anyone asked her to sing)

Mr. Schuester: Can you sing us a song?

Aly: um I don’t know

Rachel: If she doesn’t want to sing for us, then she doesn’t have to.

Mercedes: Come on Rachel give her a chance

Rachel: I’m not meaning it in a bad way. I’m just saying if she doesn’t feel right being put on the spot, then she can go somewhere else where she feels comfortable.

Finn: Come on sing for us.

Aly: okay then, I will.

(Aly goes to the front of the class and starts to sing “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys”)

(Everyone started clapping and Mr. Schuester walks towards Aly with his arm around her)

Mr. Schuester: Guys, meet your new member.

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