Chapter 3: History was made

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(Finn and Rachel comes walking through the hallway)

Finn: So Mr. Hudson, have you started looking for the new furniture for our house?

Rachel: Well Mr. Hudson, it seems to me that it’s going to take a long time because of my college dream in NY. I still need to find the perfect song for regionals.

Finn: You shouldn’t worry too much since we are married. We can work this out. Let Mr. Schuester figure out the songs for regionals and lets just worry about us as a married couple.

Rachel: Your right Finn, your right, I shouldn’t worry, I’ll just let Mr. Schuester worry about it, yeah, I need to worry about me and my dream. Most importantly, our married lives.

(Finn comes towards Rachel and kiss)

(Bell rings)

(Aly comes out with books in her hands and the hockey team walks behind her.)

Rick: (pushes Aly against the locker purposely) Oops! Sorry didn’t see you there short stuff. Must be that your as tiny than any person in this whole planet.

Aly: (picks up her books) You Jerk! What the hell! I’m walking here and you had to push me! You stupid Skyscraper!!

Rick: (talking to his buds) Oh look guys, she’s trying to defend herself. Look small fry, I’m big your small, that’s how it works here. This is my community and whenever fresh meat comes in, I’m the one who eats them. If I was you, I would just keep my mouth shut and pretend nothing ever happen. You got that?

Aly: Hell to the NO! No one needs a king in this community, you jerk! I bet your mom doesn’t even love you. I bet she drop you off when you were born that she didn’t even want you.

Rick: (picks up Aly) What did you say?

(Blaine and Kurt comes in)

Aly: Don’t touch me!

(Aly grabs and twists Ricks arm, trips him and holds him on the ground.)

Aly: You better not touch me or I’ll kick your ass twice as hard that you will never remember anything!

(Blaine and Kurt grab Aly away)

Rick: This isn’t over. (Rick and his buds walk away)

Blaine: Woah! Where did you learn those moves?

Aly: I took karate when I was little.

Kurt: Wow! No one ever stood up to him before

Aly: Well I just did.

Kurt: You just made history!

(They walk together for lunch)

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