Chapter 9: What Happen?

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(New day at school and Rachel comes in and walks towards Kurt.)

Rachel: Any sign of her?

Kurt: I tried calling her but she’s not answering.

Rachel: Same here. I hope she’s okay; it’s been a whole week that she hasn’t been here.

Kurt: I know. Maybe we should go to her house, I heard that she lives a couple blocks down Breadsticks.

Rachel: That’s a good plan and find out what happen.

Kurt: Yeah. I just hope she’s okay. (Eyes get watery.)

Rachel: Me too. (Looks concern and hugs Kurt.) Come on, we got to go to class.

(Both continue walking.) (Mr. Schu. Comes towards the principal Figgins’ office.)

Mr. Schu: We have lost a sweet girl and we don’t know what happen to her.

Principal Figgins: Do you have any contact of her?

Mr. Schu: No but she’s been gone for almost a whole week and I’m worried about her. She’s only a freshmen and she only has one parent who is never home all the time.

Principal Figgins: I will call her house As soon as possible and let you know once I find out.

Mr. Schu: Thank you. (Mr. Schu walks out and spotted Kurt and Rachel.)

Mr. Schu: Hey Kurt, any news about Aly?

Kurt: No, I tried calling her but she doesn’t answer. I’m super worried!

Mr. Schu: Same here.

Rachel: Kurt and me are planning to go to her house after school.

Mr. Schu: Really? I’ll go with you guys. To find out what happen and when is she coming back to school?

Kurt: Okay. I hope she’ s okay.

(They walked away.) (Later on.)

Rachel: There’s it is. (Rachel, Mr.Schu and Kurt are in the car in front of Aly’s house.)

Kurt: I hope she’s there.

(Rachel, Kurt and Mr.Schu get out of the car.)

Mr. Schu: Are you sure she lives here?

Kurt: Yes.

(All three walked towards the front door and Mr. Schu starts to knock on the door.)

Mr.Schu: hmm. There’s no answer.

Kurt: Aly! It’s me Kurt with Rachel and Mr. Schu! Are you there?

(No Answer.)

Rachel: Aly! Please come open the door, we want to know if your okay.

(Aly’s dad comes and opens the door but just the crack.)

Aly’s dad: Can I help you?

Mr. Schu: Hi I’m William Schuester and I’m a teacher and glee club director from McKinley high school and we want to know if Aly lives here?

Aly’s dad: Oh! My dear Allison! Um she’s not here right now, she went out of town for a month but I can tell you that she is doing fine nothing to worry about. (Aly looks out her window and spotted them.)

Mr. Schu: Oh okay. Well when she comes back; make sure she goes to school.

Aly’s dad: Okay will do, the girl needs her education.

Mr.Schu: Okay well have a nice day sir.

Aly’s dad: You too! (Being nice) (Closes the door.)

Rachel: I thought Aly’s dad is never home?

Kurt: That’s what I thought.

(All three went to the car and drove away.) (Aly watched them leave.) (Once they were gone completely, Aly’s dad comes running up the stairs angrily.) (Aly’s dad hits her many times.)

Aly’s dad: Who the heck knows where we live?

Aly: I don’t know!

Aly’s dad: You liar son of a b****! (Slaps her) I better not see them again or your dead meat

Aly: (doesn’t say anything.)

(Aly’s dad walks out.)

Aly: I can’t do this (crying.) someone help me (whispers.)

(Next morning.) (Aly’s dad comes in Aly’s room.)

Aly’s dad: Get up! You’re going to school.

(Aly gets ready.) (He drops her off at a corner and drives away.)

Aly: Better put these shades on so no one can see my black eyes. (Puts black shades on.)

(Bell ring and Aly is wearing black shades with dark blue jeans, white T-shirt and a leather jacket.) (Aly walks to her locker and Blaine is there.)

(Blaine looks up and noticed Aly walking towards him.)

Blaine: Aly?

Aly: (looks at Blaine but stays quite.)

Blaine: Oh My God! Are you okay! The whole glee club was worried about you! (Blaine hugs Aly.)

Aly: (eyes gets watery from the pain but still remains quite.)

Blaine: Why are you so quite? Please say something?

Aly: (looks at Blaine but he can’t see her eyes and does a side smile and walks away.)

(Blaine looks worried.) (Bell rings.)

Kurt to Rachel: Do you think she’s here?

Rachel: I don’t know, her dad said she went out of town.

Kurt: I think that’s suspicious.

(Blaine comes running towards Kurt and Rachel.)

Blaine: Guys! Aly is here today!

Kurt: What? OMG! Did she tell you what happen?

Rachel: Thank goodness!

Blaine: She didn’t say anything.

Kurt: Really? Was she being her smiley self?

Blaine: No. She would just look at me but I can’t tell because she was wearing dark sunglasses and just remain silent.

Rachel: That’s strange?

Blaine: One thing that did change was that she did a side smile and walked away. Also when I hugged her, it sounded like she was holding on tears.

Kurt: Oh my goodness! (Sounding concern.)

Rachel: Something must of happen.

Blaine: I don’t know but I want to know.

(The bell rings.)(During class.)

Teacher: So can anyone solve this problem? How about you Aly?

Aly: (just looks up and stays quite.)

Teacher: Well, are you going to say anything? Maybe you can take off your glasses for me so I know you are looking at me.

Aly: (gets off her seat and walks towards the board. Aly grabs a chalk and does the problem. Everyone is looking at her. Aly finishes the problem and walks out the class.)

Teacher: (checks the solution.) Where are you going?

(Aly turns around and continues to walk out the classroom.) (Everyone is starring at her leave.)

Aly: (thinking inside.) I can’t believe I just did that. What am I trying to do? Blaine was crying of joy when he saw me and I kept my mouth shut? What’s wrong with me? I can’t tell him or anyone about me. I don’t know what I am doing.

(The bell rings.)

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