Chapter 16: Afterwards

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(On the bus heading home.) (Aly was looking through the window as everyone started talking about regionals.)

(Mercedes come towards Aly to sit next to her, as the bus is moving.)

Mercedes: You okay? (Sounding worried.)

Aly: Uh oh yeah I’m fine I guess.

Mercedes: Then why aren’t you in the conversation with us? Aren’t you happy that we won?

Aly: Yeah I am it’s just that (spotted Kurt.) never mind it’s not important.

Mercedes: You can trust me Aly with anything. But if you are not ready then I understand.

Aly: thanks Mercedes.

Mercedes: No problem (got up quickly and head back to her seat.)

Tina: Is she okay? (Asks Mercedes.)

Mercedes: yeah I guess.

(The Bus makes a complete stop and everyone gets off the bus) (Aly gets off the bus as she spotted Mr. Schu about to open his car.)

Aly: Hey Mr. Schu, hold up.

Mr.Schu: hey Aly what’s up?

Aly: I just want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to have a solo at regionals.

Mr.Schu: I knew you would do great and look what happen! We won! Thanks to you.

Aly: I just can’t believe it myself. But after what you told me about making the stage the field, I knew that is where I belong. Well thank you for everything, I better get going, Rachel is waiting for me.

Mr.Schu: No problem Aly and Good night. Will I be seeing you tomorrow?

Aly: Yes you will and Good night.

(Aly runs towards Rachel’s car and drove off as Mr. Schu does the same.)

(At Rachel’s house)

Aly: Rachel, can I ask you something? (Laying in Rachel’s bed)

Rachel: (gets in bed and turns off the lights.) yeah sure what’s bugging you?

Aly: If there’s a guy who is interested in you but one of your friends holds you back, what would be the reason?

Rachel: Oh who’s the guy?

Aly: he’s the new warbler. (Smiles when he mentions him.)

Rachel: Oh really?

Aly: yeah and after we won, I wanted to meet with him because he said he’ll find me afterwards but Kurt hold me back. I don’t know what made him do that. What do you think?

Rachel: Kurt just wants to protect you Aly. He truly cares about you and he doesn’t want to see you get hurt. Plus falling in love with a warbler can cause tension between our schools, believe me it happen to me.

Aly: So what do you think I should do?

Rachel: Well just wait a couple of days or maybe a week to see maybe he’s one of those guys that just say things but don’t really mean them. You get me?

Aly: Yeah I do. Thanks Rachel. (Yawns) you are a really good friend. Good Night. (Turns on her right side.)

Rachel: No problem Aly (turns to her left side) Good night.

(Next Morning around 5:00AM and Rachel turns on the lights and starts her work out routine.)

Aly: What the heck? Rachel? Why are you up so early? Its barely 5 in the morning! School starts till 8?

Rachel: Sorry Aly but its my routine that I have to continue every day. (On her treadmill)

Aly: (covers herself with the covers.) You are crazy!

Rachel: Have to reach my dreams.

(Few hours later.)

Rachel: Come on Aly wake up now its 7 and we have to leave before 7:30.

Aly: Okay I’m up (heads towards the restroom.) Oh hey Rachel, can we stop at my place before school? I have to pick up my cell phone maybe its not broken after its been thrown out the window.

Rachel: Yeah sure but hurry.

Aly: Okay will do. (Aly starts to get ready.)

(Rachel and Aly head out to school as they first stop at Aly’s house.) (Outside of Aly’s house in the car.)

Aly: Okay wait here and I’ll be right back.

Rachel: Okay

(Aly gets out the car and goes in front of the tree where she last stands. Aly started looking for her cell phone but it wasn’t around the tree. Aly turned around and spotted her cell phone unbroken and when she picked it up, Aly spotted her dad starring at her with anger through the window. Aly started running as her dad opens the door quickly.)

Aly’s dad: YOU GET BACK THIS INSTANT! (Starts chasing Aly.) I TOLD YOU TO NEVER RUN AWAY FROM ME! (Aly sprinted to Rachel’s car and open the car door and slammed it quickly.)


(Rachel started to push on the gas and drove off. As they drove off, Aly’s dad tried to chase after them but he lost breath and he head back home.)

Rachel: OMG! Are you okay!

Aly: Yeah I’m fine; I just hope he doesn’t go to school to get me.

Rachel: I hope not.

(At school and Aly ran to her locker as she still feels her dad is behind her.) (Blaine comes)

Blaine: Why are you in such a hurry?

Aly: What? Oh, um I just need to get to class ASAP.

Blaine: But why? The bell hasn’t rung yet?

Aly: Really? (Check’s her watch)

Blaine: Yeah, you have a lot of time to spare.

Aly: (catch’s breathe) Oh okay then, I thought I was late or something. Anyways, did you and Kurt celebrate last night?

Blaine: Yeah we went to his house and Kurt’s dad surprised us with confetti and champagne. It was nice while it lasted. But now we get to go to L.A. for sectionals.

Aly: sectionals? I thought it was just regional’s only?

Blaine: Nope, now we need to win in sectionals. I’m just excited that it’s going to be in L.A.! Can you believe that! L.A.! That’s where all the major singers and actors accomplish their dreams. That’s why it’s known as The American Dream.

Aly: Wow! That does sound amazing. Can’t wait to go! Hey! Maybe we can find famous people.

Blaine: Yeah, that would be cool. (Laughs)

(Bell rings.)

Aly: I’ll talk to you later at Glee Club

Blaine: Yeah, see you there.

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