Chapter 5: Broken Promises

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(After soccer practice in the locker room.)

Soccer Coach: Okay girl’s time to hit the showers.

Aly: Coach, what time is it?

Soccer Coach: It’s about 5:50, why?

Aly: Just asking thank you

Soccer Coach: Hey Aly, you have skills! Have you thought about playing in the World Cup or the Olympics?

Aly: Coach I’m only a freshmen.

Soccer Coach: So, even though you need 3 more years, you can get to watch you play and maybe start playing for college.

Aly: I haven’t really thought about that.

Soccer Coach: Well with your skills, you can go professional.

Aly: Thanks Coach, I have to go sorry.

Soccer Coach: No problem but I’m serious, think about that.

Aly: I will.

(Aly runs out the lockers and heads towards the auditorium.) (Aly enters and runs to the stage.)

Aly: Artie? Where are you?

(Blaine walks in to leave.)

Blaine: Artie left.

Aly: What?

Blaine: yeah, he waited for you for almost 2hrs. Where were you?

Aly: I had soccer practice and coach gave me a speech about thinking on playing for professionals.

Blaine: Oh that’s pretty cool. I got to go, Kurt wants me to go over some songs with him. I’ll see ya around. Bye.

Aly: Okay bye.

(Blaine walks away.)

(Aly is left alone on stage and she feels disappointed for making Artie wait on her even though she knew she couldn’t make it.)

Aly: I’m sorry Artie.

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