Chapter 13: Aly's Monologue.

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(Mr. Schu and Aly walking down the halls.)

Aly: Where are you taking me?

Mr.Schu: To a lovely guidance counselor, she is a really good listener and I know that she is willing to help you.

Aly: Oh okay, Mr.Schu?

Mr.Schu: Yeah Aly.

Aly: Thank you for helping me, you are one amazing teacher to have and I really appreciate it for what you are doing. Thank you.

Mr.Schu: No problem Aly

(See’s Mrs. Pillsberry sitting on her desk doing some paper work)

Emma: (spotted Mr.Schu and gave a welcome smile.) (Mr.Schu opens the door.) Hi Will! (Smiley) don’t forget today is spaghetti night at home.

Aly: home?

Mr.Schu: Yeah, she’s my wife (goes towards Emma and kisses her.) I won’t honey. (To Emma) Honey, this is Aly, the one I’ve told you about, well she needs you and I know you can help her.

Emma: Oh! I’m so happy to finally meet you Aly! (Shakes Aly’s hand) take a seat and I will a sure that lives will be changed.

Mr.Schu: Okay, I’ll leave you guys and Aly, I will tell you the songs tomorrow okay?

Aly: Okay thanks Mr.Schu.

(Mr. Schu walks out and closes the door.)

Emma: So Aly, what happen? Tell me about yourself.

Aly: (takes a deep breathe) well when I was little, my mom died from cancer. She was very active but she will get really sick really badly. One day my dad would be there whenever she gets ill, but one day she got really sick and he didn’t know what else to do. So we took her to the hospital and that’s when we found out that she had cancer. My dad lost it that day and he just left. So I stayed with her in the hospital. I would watch her throw up blood and guts that are suppose to remain inside until the nurse would take me out of the room. I waited, waited and waited to hear any news about her until the doctor finally comes out and he would just stare at me with a sad face and look down. I went inside her room, and a white sheet was over her body. She didn’t survive the surgery. (Eyes start to get watery and voice starts to crack.) So I’ve been living alone my whole life. My dad would stop by and get all my money and the money my mom left and leave without saying a word to me. He never comes back. When school started, I would go but then move to a different one because I got bullied for my size and so when I’m off, I would play sports and learn martial arts online so that one day I could defend myself when I’m in trouble. So finally found a different school and I felt that I belonged here. I felt that this place was my (pause) home. But then Rick came and bullied me and there were rumors spreading that I took steroids and things went crazy. I almost got suspended for holding down Rick. I just couldn’t stand it anymore and so I did hold down Rick by force. And so the next day, Rick and his crew came and they dumped me inside a trash bin. When I got out, I went home right away and when I opened the door, my dad was there. He looked mad, dirty, and smelled like beer all over his body. He started getting mad at me and started beating me for accusing that I had finished his beer bottles which clearly hr drank all of them. He beat me harshly and I have bruises everywhere. (Aly shows Mrs. Pillsberry.)

Emma: Oh My Goodness! You poor girl! Then what happen? (Both hands cover her mouth with astonishment)

Aly: (takes a deep breathe.) So then Mr. Schu, Kurt Hummel and Rachel Berry stopped by to see if I’m okay but my dad was acting weird like he was acting “nice” around them. He told them that I went out of state, which he was laying, but anyways when they left, he came up to my room and started beating me again really hard. (Aly starts crying.) I just can’t take this anymore.

Emma: (still shock and concern) Awe Aly, you poor sweet girl, come here (opens her arms for a hug.) (Aly goes crying in her arms.) Now this is a serious situation, why haven’t you called the police?

Aly: Because he’s the only family I have (sits back on the chair and blows her nose)

Emma: You really need to call them right away! No child is allowed to have an alcoholic abuser as a parent. I’m going to call a social worker right away!

Aly: Please! Don’t! (Puts her hand on the phone) I don’t want to be a homeless person. (Eyes get watery.)

Emma: Aly its for your own good! You need to get out of there as soon as possible. (Aly looks down, gets up and runs out)

Emma: Aly! Where are you going!

(Aly runs out crying and Emma looks out her door with concern.)

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