Chapter 10: What life depends on

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(The Scene takes place in the choir room and Aly is the first one to enter the room and she sits in the back row. Mercedes comes in with Santana and Brittany.)

Santana: Omg! Looks whose back from the dead?

Mercedes: Santana why do you have to be so mean? Hey Aly I’m glad your back! Are you okay?

(Aly just stares still wearing her shades but she doesn’t say anything.)

Santana: What’s wrong munchkin cats got you tongue?

(Aly still doesn’t answer.)

Mercedes: Please say something. (With concern)

Brittany: She can’t speak the cat took her tongue.

(Mercedes looks at Brittany like wth?) (The girls sat down in their seats.)

(Kurt, Blaine and Artie come in)

Kurt to Blaine: Is that her?

Blaine: Yeah, but she won’t say anything.

(Kurt sits next to Aly.)

Kurt: Aly? Are you okay? I was so worried about you! I went to your house yesterday but your dad said you went out of town for a month. (Aly gets upset when Kurt mentioned her dad but still remains silent.) Please say something. I really need to hear your voice again or smile at least. Your dimples are too cute to note show them off. (Aly laughs but inside) (Everyone started showing up and they all spotted Aly but no one was able to get her to talk.)

(Mr. Schu comes in and spotted Aly.)

Mr.Schu: Why Aly I’m glad to finally see you again! How are you?

(Aly remains silent.)

Mr.Schu: Aly? Is there something bothering you? Well if there is, singing is a good way to bring out your emotions. Maybe you can say it through song. Can you?

(Everyone is shock on what Mr. Schu said and everyone is staring at Aly again.)

Aly: (talks to herself in her head.) I have to tell them. I can’t deal with this anymore. I got to do this! (Aly gets up and walks toward the front of the class)

Mr.Schu: So what song are you going to sing?

(Aly walks towards the white board and write Skyscraper by Demi Lovato.)

(Aly turns around and the piano player starts playing.)

Aly: Skies are crying, I am watching catching tears drops in my hand…(as Aly gets to the chorus part, she takes off her sunglasses and everyone was shock.) (During the song, Aky started crying.)

Aly: Go on and try to tear me down, I will be rising from the ground like a skyscraper…

(Aly finishes the song and runs out.)

Rachel: Oh my Godsh! What happen to her? Did a truck hit her!

Finn: Mr. Schu is there something that caused her those nasty bruises in her eyes?

(Everyone looks concern, worried and confused.)

Blaine to Kurt: I’m going to find her.

(Blaine walks out.)

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