Chapter 18: We meet again!

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(At McKinley) (Blaine comes in and spotted Aly at her locker.)

Blaine: Hey Aly.

Aly: Hi Blaine, what’s up?

Blaine: Just wondering, you don’t have a boyfriend right?

Aly: What? No I’m not dating anyone why? (Starts thinking about Alex)

Blaine: I was just curious that’s all cause if anyone tries to hurt you, I’ll beat the crap out of him or her.

Aly: Okay calm down tiger, I can take care of myself. You don’t have to butt in on my life al the time especially my love life.

Blaine: I know you can, I just don’t want any guy messing with your feelings and I know I’m sorry if I am. I shouldn’t be butting in your life. Sorry. (Hugs Aly.)

Aly: It’s okay, but seriously I can handle my emotions and myself.

(Bell rings) (Few hours later)

(Alex comes in through the halls of McKinley wearing the warbler outfit while carrying a guitar on his shoulder. In the halls, everyone was starring at him. All the girls were starring at him with flirtatiousness. Blaine comes walking down the halls as he made eye contact with the warbler.)

Blaine: You must be Alex?

Alex: And you must be the legendary Blaine.

(Shakes hands with Blaine.)

Blaine: Yeah, so how were managed to escape from Sebastian?

Alex: I had my ways. (A flashback occurred showing Alex raising his hand telling Sebastian that he doesn’t “feel” good and Sebastian gave him a dirty look and said: “Fine you may leave but there’s extra practice for you next time with me.” Alex walks out Dalton.)

Blaine: I see. Well Aly is about to get out of class, so just walk down the halls and you will see her right away. (Points to the right side of the halls.)

Alex: Okay and thanks.

Blaine: No problem and good luck. (Puts his hand over his Alex’s shoulder and walks away with a worried face on.)

Alex: (talking to himself) Okay this is it.

(Alex starts walking down the halls. The bell rings and Aly opens the door and starts heading out the opposite direction without even noticing Alex was there.)

(Alex taps on Aly’s shoulder.)

Alex: Excuse me miss. (Smiles)

(Aly froze for a minute recognizes his voice and slowly turns around.)

Aly: Alex, (smiles) what are you doing here?

Alex: I came to see you since we didn’t go on our date after regionals.

Aly: Date? Oh! I’m so sorry for that, I wanted to go back but I couldn’t.

Alex: It’s okay, well I’m here now and I have a surprise for you.

Aly: Really?

Alex: Yeah, come on (grabs Aly’s hand and leads her outside of school to a bench where there are flowers everywhere. Aly sits down on the bench.)

Alex: I wanted to do this romantically to ask you, so I hope you like it.

(Aly smiles as Alex stand in front of her and start strumming his guitar. Alex starts playing “I’ve just seen a face” by the Beatles. Alex plays this song as a slow song to Aly and Aly is just admiring on how Alex cares for her. While this was happening, Rachel, Kurt and Blaine were watching them.)

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