Chapter 20: The Last Song

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(When Aly saw her dad making eye contact with her, Aly started running. Aly’s dad started the car and drove after her. No one saw what was going on.)

(Back inside McKinley and Blaine has his head down while walking back to Kurt and Artie.) (Kurt notice that something happen between him and Aly.)

Kurt: What happen Blaine, where’s Aly?

Artie: Yeah, where is she?

Blaine: I messed up guys. I shouldn’t have said those things to her! I should of listened to her and not worry too much. I feel so guilty about it now.

Kurt: Come here. (Opens his arms to hug him.) What did you tell her?

Blaine: That she shouldn’t date Alex that she shouldn’t be with anyone at all. I also mentioned about her dad and that’s when she lost it. She told me that from all people, I made her feel that I don’t have faith in her. I feel so bad now Kurt.

Artie: You have to apologize to her. You don’t know what could happen.

Blaine: I don’t think she’s going to talk to me anymore.

Artie: You don’t know unless you try.

Kurt: Go find her and apologize to her. We need her and she needs us.

Blaine: Okay, I’ll go.

(Blaine walks out and Alex arrives in front of the school. Alex gets out of his car.)

Alex: Hey Blaine, where’s Aly? She told me to come pick her up. Do you know what happen to her? She was crying when she called me?

Blaine: I said some things that I shouldn’t have and I feel so terrible about it.

Alex: What did you tell her?

Blaine: That she shouldn’t be dating you and things about her dad.

Alex: Why would you tell her that she couldn’t date me? I thought we were cool?

Blaine: I don’t trust you! I just had this feeling that you were using her because Sebastian put you up for it.

Alex: What the hell! No! Sebastian doesn’t even know! I love her! I would never hurt her.

Blaine: I’m so sorry.

Alex: Look, I may be a warbler but I’m not like Sebastian or Hunter. I don’t care about them or listen to them. The only thing I listen to is my heart. That’s it. My heart decides for me on what I want and I want Aly.

Blaine: I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have misjudged you in the first place. I have to fix this.

Alex: Yes you do. But what happen to Aly and her dad?

Blaine: Her dad abuses her physically.

Alex: What!

Blaine: Her mom died from cancer and her dad would just leave Aly alone but comes back for money. He’s an alcoholic, which ends up him hitting Aly very hard in some occasions.

Alex: Oh My God! Are you freaking serious! And she hasn’t called the police?

Blaine: No! I’ve told her but she won’t.

Alex: Okay we got to go find her. (Both ran to the car and Alex started his car.)

(While they were on the way, Aly was running as fast as she can. She just kept running and running. Aly’s dad didn’t use the gun yet but he would stare down at Aly as he drives right behind her. In the mean time, Alex and Blaine are looking for Aly and there was no sign of her. While Alex was driving, he felt angry, worried and scared for Aly. He just couldn’t believe all what was happening to Aly. He felt determined to find Aly safe. Alex started singing, “Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls.”)

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