Chapter 14: Lockdown

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(Aly started running down the halls and she bumped into Rachel.)

Aly: Sorry Rachel, I didn’t see you there. (Whips away her tears.)

Rachel: Come with me (puts one arm around Aly and they walked out of school.)

(At Rachel’s house)

(Rachel is sitting next to Aly holding her hands as Aly cries.)

Rachel: Aly, you poor sweet girl, you really need to get out of this dangerous situation. Mrs. Pillsberry is right you need to leave home. This might be crazy and sudden but why won’t you live with me for a couple of days. I know you will be a lot safer with me and I know my dads wouldn’t mind.

Aly: Thank you Rachel but I can’t really take that offer, its too much to ask. (Blows her nose) I just hope that living in a box can make me feel like home.

Rachel: Don’t talk like that! Aly, living without someone you love is a terrible feeling. You need to have a place where you can be yourself and feel like you belong somewhere but also a place where you are safe. I am telling you to live with me. I know it’s hard to be with someone that reminds you of your past, but I am here for you and I know you have many things to accomplish here.

Aly: (looks up at Rachel) Okay Rachel, Thank you (hugs Rachel)

Rachel: I know you will be safe here. You just need to be healed. But don’t you worry anymore, things will get better just wait and see. (Smiles at Aly) Now lets get down to business, you missed a lot of meetings in Glee club and regional’s are in two days and so here are the songs and lets practice!

(Aly reads the lyrics.)

Aly: Okay, so what are the steps to these songs?

Rachel: It goes something like this. (Rachel shows Aly)

Aly: Not bad, I got some ideas to add for the steps.

Rachel: Really? You think you can change some parts and make it our own?

Aly: Yes! I know some moves that it’ll make the songs more likeable to the judges.

Rachel: Okay! Show me. (Smiles)

(Both started to practice)

(Next day)

(Aly goes to her house to pick up her things and when she went to her room, her dad was sitting on her bed. Looks scared.)

(Aly’s dad gets up.)

Aly’s dad: Where the hell were you? (Hits Aly on the face) Don’t ever run away from me again!! Do you hear me? (Hits Aly again)

Aly: (crying) yes…

Aly’s dad: Good! Now give me some money, Or else I will hit you!

Aly: (crying and hands him the money)

Aly’s dad: (starts counting the money.) Give me more! I need more!

Aly: I don’t have any more! (Looks at her dad with anger and her eyes are bruised up and puffier.)

Aly’s dad: (slaps her again) don’t be lying to me! I know you have more! (Starts looking through Aly’s things.)

Aly: I already told you I DON’T HAVE ANYMORE! (She gets up)

Aly’s dad: (slaps her again, knocking Aly down and kicks her on the face.) Oh really! Then what’s this? Huh! (Finds an envelope filled with money she had saved for college.) You piece of crap! (Looks down at Aly with anger) (Aly is on the floor curled up in a ball hiding her face.) (Aly’s cell phone starts to ring and its Rachel) (Aly’s dad picks up the phone.) You are never leaving this house again! You hear me! (Walks towards the window and throws Aly’s cell phone out) (Saw Aly trying to get up very slowly.) (Walks towards Aly and grabs her shirt and pulls her up so he’s facing her face to face.) And if any of your “friends” come here, you are dead. (Spits at Aly and pushed her back on the ground.) (Walks out and locks the door.)

Aly: (whispers) I’m sorry Glee club.

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