Chapter 21: Goodbye...

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(After the terrible lost of Aly, the whole Glee club held a funeral. Many tears were shed during speeches about Aly that most of the Glee members had to step outside for air. At the end, the Glee club members went up to the open coffin where Aly looks like she’s in deep sleep to say their last goodbyes. Mr. Schu goes first. With Emma.)

(Mr. Schu looks at Aly with deep sadness and tears coming down his face. He kisses Aly’s forehead and whispers.)

Mr.: Schu: You are one special girl that I would never forget.

Emma: I could of saved you. I’m so sorry. You would of gotten a successful future ahead of you with your amazing voice and athletic skills. Goodbye Aly. (Both walked away and Tina and Mercedes are next.)

(Tina touches Aly’s hand and tells her.)

Tina: Rest in Peace Aly, you will be missed.

Mercedes: I know you will watch us from above and you are one amazing singer that I have ever met. Rest in Peace Aly. (Tears came down her face and walked away with Tina.) (Puck, Quinn, Sam and Artie came up to the coffin. All four did a moment of silence and tears starting to come down their faces. They walked away as Finn and Rachel were next. Both had red eyes after crying for days.)

Finn: (to Aly’s body.) I will miss you very much Aly. After all you been through, you are one strong girl and you inspired me to be more of a true leader in my future. Thanks for everything. (Rachel was filled with tears as she approaches to the coffin.)

Rachel: I can’t believe your gone, you were such a good friend and very talented. I’m going to miss you like crazy. Goodbye Aly. (Puts a gold star on her hand. Finn puts his arm around Rachel and both walked away as Kurt and Blaine come up.)

(Kurt goes first as he goes closer to the open the coffin. Kurt starts to cry as he touches Aly’s cold hands. He whispers.)

Kurt: I’m really going to miss you very much Aly. I’m really going to miss your smile, your tough attitude and most importantly your ability to be yourself. I will never forget you and thank you so much for everything. Kurts walks away with tears coming down a lot. Blaine hesitates to go up to the coffin. His eyes are red and puffy after crying for more than a week. He looks at Aly’s body laying there as he puts his hands on hers. He goes on his knees and cries intensely. Kurt and Mr.Schu come to help him but Blaine refuses and tries to return. He takes a deep breath and stands up slowly while his hands are still holding Aly’s. He looks at Aly with deep sadness in his eyes and leans over to kiss Aly’s forehead for a long time. Blaine whispers.)

Blaine: I am so sorry Aly; I shouldn’t have said those things. I should of just leave you alone. (Cries.) You mean a lot to me since the very first day. You smile just lights up an entire room. I should have been there when Rick bullied you. (Tries to stop crying.) You have taught me so much. But I will always remember to be strong no matter what. (Tears come down again.) I’m really going to miss you Aly. I love you so much. (Slowly removes his hands and walks away. Most of everyone who attended the funeral left as Alex slams the doors wide open and runs towards Aly’s coffin as tears came down to the max.)

Alex: (screams and cries as he goes to hugs Aly’s body.)

Aly! My sweet Aly! You can’t leave! (Crying.) You can’t leave me! I need you! Oh Aly!! Please come back!! Please come back to me! (Blaine goes to hold Alex.) No! I love her! (Cries and screams) Let Me Go! I need to be with her! Aly!!! (Cries as he hugs Blaine.) (Both stayed and cried for hours until they were forced to leave.)

Few hours later…

(Blaine takes Alex to the ocean to talk. While in the car, Blaine’s starts singing “What hurts the most by Rascal Flatts.)

Blaine: Take the rain on the roof of this empty house, That don’t bother me, I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out, I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while, Even though going on with you gone still upsets me, There are days every now and again I pretend

Alex: What hurts the most, Was being so close, And having so much to say, And watching you walk away, And never knowing, What could have been, And not seeing that loving you, Is what I was trying’ to do

Blaine: It’s hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go, But I’m doing’ It

Alex: hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I’m alone

Together: Still Harder, Getting up, getting dressed, livin’ with this regret, But I know if I could do it over, I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart, That I left unspoken

(Blaine parks his car and both started walking towards an empty bench to sit at.)

(They sat down.)

Alex: I didn’t get to have more time with her. Why does this have to happen to me?

Blaine: I don’t know. Things happen unexpectedly. The worst things prove to us that we have less time to live. Aly is in a better place now and I know she’ll be watching us. She’ll be with us always. And we just need to be strong. (Pause.) Together.

Alex: (tears came down slowly.) How would we get rid of the pain? I don’t want to forget about her.

Blaine: We don’t have to forget about her, we can be strong just how Aly was. And I know she wants us to be happy.

(6 months past after Aly’s death and things have changed a lot. Rachel and Kurt are now attending their dream schools in NYC, Blaine has been making new things happen in Glee club and Alex has moved to a different state to start his new glee club at his new school. Things have been doing great for them as Aly from above watches and protects them everywhere they go.

(Aly’s mom calls out)

Aly’s mom: Come on dear, I’ll race you to the rainforest.

(Aly runs towards her mom as they ran together to the rainforest.)


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