Chapter 13-Who Did It

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Avia's POV
(Please read the A/N at the end of this chapter)
I looked around the room. White walls covered it,wires and tubes were in my body. To the left,I saw my family huddled around and speaking in low voices.

"Daddy?" I said weakly. They all turned around to me. Mom and dad ran over and gave me kisses on my forehead. I instinctively looked around for camera,but when I saw no cameras,I relaxed.

"Baby what happaned?" Mom said while stroking my hair.

"I-I don't know." I said in a low voice. "After I got stabbed,everything just went black. I heard screams,then I blacked out." I said looking over at Gavin and Emmi.

"It's okay. We-we just wanna know who might've pushed you." Dad reached his hand out for Gavin's iPod. He pressed play,and there was Brian and William face to face,with people circled around. You could clearly see me push my way to the front,then brutally get pushed in front. I watched the knife enter my body,I cringed looking away.

"Avia,I'm sorry if we're making you watch this,but we need to know who pushed you." I nodded my head,and Gavin replayed it to the part where I was pushed.

Long hair swayed behind me,a blue and purple charm bracelet went behind my back.

"Take a screenshot Gav." He paused the video,and screenshot it so you could fully see the arm of the person.

I zoomed into it,seeing the charm bracelet,the red nails.

It was definetely a girl. Unless,there was some guy in our school who had red nails and wore blue and purple charm bracelets. I could only think of one person who had those kind of nails.


"Veronica." I said in a low whisper.

"Hun speak up."

"Veronica! Veronica pushed me! She hated me so what better time to get rid of me than now." Dad took his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Okay. Tomorrow,we're going straight to the school office. Avia start thinking about getting home schooled." Dad said grabbing his phone. As much as I hated the school now,I didn't wanna have to leave Karen. But,I didn't have a say in it,so I just slightly nodded my head.

"They'll be discharging you tomorrow at noon. Now we'll let you take another nap,we're gonna go home,pick Brock and Daxton up,and get you some stuff so you're not too bored here overnight,okay?"

"Thanks." I said closing my eyes as they left the room.

"Now remember to take these pills twice a day with food. Miss Avia,please make sure to be careful,nothing too active for the next month. I hope for you a fast recovery." The doctor said to me as we left the hospital. Mom,dad,and I went into the car.

"So you ready to go back to school and tell what happaned?" Dad asked looking back. I nodded my head,and we drove to school.

We entered the school parking lot,and my class was out on the blacktop. Mom helped me out of the car.

"Hey mom,can I just go talk to Karen?"

"Sure. You have 5 minutes,just be careful,your stomach is still in a fragile state."

"Thanks!" I said speed walking over to Karen. I got a lot of looks and murmurs as I made my way to Karen.

"I heard she almost died."
"Oh my god,she actually had the strength to come back."
"Dude,I heard she's gonna get homeschooled. She's gonna be another homeschool freak!" I finally found Karen,sitting down on the bench eating her grapes.

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