Part 12

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What's up my tacos?!?! Miss me? Lol jk, jk. Hope you like the weird ass pic of me XD So I thought that I should update because hey it's getting close to Halloween and why not! So what are you going to be for Halloween? I'm doing a horror make-up! Ah I get to freak people out XD any way here we go!

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

All I could see was darkness. The darkness surrounds me like a thick blanket of ink. It's hard to breath. Why would anyone do this?!? Just because of my stupid parents! Ha please the old geazers never gave me the attention I needed.
*Flash back*
"Mother? Father?" The young girl asked. She looked around the mansion for her parents. It's nit like she minded that she couldn't find her parent its just they would at least tell her if they were leaving for anything. (Y/N) wondered down the darkened hallway towards her parents study. She cracked the door open slightly just enough to peek in. What shocked the young girl was what she had seen. A sight of her parent's bodies bloody and torn apart. The young girl backed up at the sight of her parents. As she backed away she ran into a vase beside the wall. As the vasr fell to the floor with a crash she heard a muffled curse from the study. At that the young girl ran down the hallway. She heard footsteps behind her and she began to run faster. She jumped doen the stairs and ran out the door of the mansion. As the girl ran she could hear commands from the person behind her. They where muffled but she had a good idea of what it was. She ran as fast and she legs could take her. But as she was almost out of sight she felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck.
As (Y/N) came to, she could hear muffled screams around her. She looked around her to see that she was straped to a meatle table. She tryed to break free but couldn't. As she stared to panic she heard the door at the back of the room open. She tryed to see her kidnappers faces but failed as they were wearing masks. She could see what looked like a marker for cattle in the person's hands. As she was about to speak out a hand covered her mouth and the cattle marker was placed on your delicate skin. Your screams were muffled as tears ran down your face. 'Please some one help me! Anyone please! I'll do anything, just get me out of here!' And with that everything around her turned to black. As she looked around she could see clear white feathers falling for what looked like an endless abis. She she continued to look around she saw a black panther. "Do you wish to make a contract with me? " The girl looked at the panther. "Do you think, someone like me would care about wuat happens to me?" The panther asked again" I'll ask again, do you wish to make a contract with me? " The young girl looked at thr panther with an earatated look. "Yes now do we have a deal or not!" The panther chuckled and the pure white feathers suddenly changed into midnight black. "As you wish, young mistress"

All done! Sorry for cutting it short I have to go to bed-.- anyway like I said before I'll try to update more offten but I'm not positive about how close together the updates will be. So yeah hope you are enjoying it^.^ later tacos:p

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