07 | Assassins & Lacrosse

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Chapter Seven

After I told off the brainless, yet extremely handsome Brett Talbot, I had to get ready for the lacrosse game.

I still don't know why I told him off. He didn't do anything to me except attempt to flirt, and even then he still didn't do anything bad. I know that I have a minor crush on Liam, but it's not like I was standing up for him.

"Shouldn't we do something now?" Kira anxiously whispered.

"I mean, we can't. We're still not really sure if it's him. And if we're wrong, then the real assassin gets away." Scott acknowledged.

"Wait- what are you guys talking about? I thought the assassin was just a student." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We think that the killer- assassin, is Garrett." Scott whispered,

"And why do we think that?" I questioned.

"Because, Liam said that Garrett paid for the keg." Kira explained.

"Get in! Come on, she's coming, get in." Garrett shouted.

I watched as my nightmare flashed before my eyes again.

"Seriously? I can't believe you fell for that." he smirked.

I flinched as I watched Garrett stab Carrie.

"Liz? You okay?" Scott asked,

"It's not just Garrett." I mumbled, putting all of the pieces together.

"What?" he repeated,

"Garrett isn't the only assassin. He's working with someone." I spoke up.

I noticed the confused and frightened looks on Kira and Scott's faces.

"Look- all I have to do is think back to my nightmare. If the guy in the car was Garrett, then that means someone else is working with him."

"What are you talking about?" Kira asked,

"Wait- what nightmare?" Scott's face grew confused.

I was about to explain everything, when Stiles walked up on his phone.

"Hey, Dad, you're supposed to be here. Where the hell are you?" he hissed into his phone.

I looked down and tried to process everything.

We have assassins after us, we still have to maintain good grades, we have to do well in lacrosse, and we have assassins after us.

You would think that I would be used to all of this by now, but no. I have survived a crazy alpha, a human sized lizard, a darach, a nogitsune, and now we have anonymous assassins chasing after us. I still don't know exactly what the darach or nogitsune were, but that's not important anymore.

Not only do I have all of those things still floating around in my brain, but now I have a crush. Saying it in my head even sounds pathetic. I can't have a crush. I'm supposed to be focusing on school, and lacrosse, not on a boy my age that has hypnotically blue eyes, and a smile that could turn Medusa into stone.

God I hate highschool...

"Why do I feel like this is going to end badly?" Kira panted, as we walked across the field.

"Because it usually does." Stiles pointed out.

"Kira, just keep an eye on Garrett. I'll watch out for Liam." Scott affirmed.

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