17 | Getting Obliterated

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Chapter Seventeen

"Everything's fine. I got a text from him this morning and he said he might be a little late." Stiles assured, as he entered the locker room with Liam and me.

"Well, how late is late? Is he always late? We're playing Devenford Prep again and this time it's an actual game. He shouldn't be late-" Liam badgered, as Stiles and I shared a look.

"Who shouldn't be late?" Coach spoke up, causing Stiles and I to give Liam irritated looks.

Liam sighed, "Scott and Kira."

"They might be slightly late." Stiles confirmed.

Coach stammered, "Slightly late is still late. Wh- what are they doing?"

All of our faces dropped,

"They're doing something that's going to make them slightly late." I stuttered.

"What could Scott and Kira be doing right now that's more important than playing in the first game?" Coach loudly spoke.

The three of us looked at each other, with the same expression.

"Oh, Coach.." Stiles muttered.

I sat down on our bench with Stiles and Liam, as we placed our gym bags on the ground.

"They're still not here." Liam looked around.

"Okay, what's really going on? Are you nervous about the full moon? It's not for another 24 hours." Stiles reassured, before Liam looked up at the moon.

"Yeah, Liam, you're gonna be fine. Okay? Just try not to rage out on anyone..." I lightly smiled.

"You're not worried?" Liam asked, as Stiles and I continued to gear up.

"No." I admitted, at the same time Stiles said, "Mildly concerned."

I shot him a look, "Mildly..." he defended, as he pulled out his phone.

I leaned closer, looking at what he was texting Scott.

'How late are you gonna be? Very worried. Very.'

"Mildly, huh?" I whispered, and he hit send before dropping his phone in fright.

"We're gonna lose without him." Liam sighed,

"No, we're not. We can be just as good without Scott. Okay? I've been practicing.." Stiles addressed,

"Oh- oh, you've been practicing." I smiled, standing up.

"Yeah- Let me tell you something. I'm getting good. Really good." he smirked, causing me to roll my eyes.

The whistle blows, and we rush out onto the field...

Stiles sucks.

He's been hit in the head with the ball multiple times, and has fallen over too many times to keep track of.

He's finally flipped over by the other team, so Liam and I exchange a look.

I nod at him, sighing through my helmet as we walk over to Stiles.

We stop in front of him, raising our eyebrows.

"Yeah. I'm gonna call Scott again.." he breathes.

"Come on!" Coach shouts, when Devenford manages to score another goal.

The whistle blows, and I lean my head back as I trudge over to the bench.

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