Splitting Up

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Short Warning: If you cannot handle blood or the description of zombies, please leave immediately. Otherwise have fun!

In fear, we turned to our pink-haired comrade. Behind her was the creature. It looked like a normal, breathing being. Except a few minor details differed. It had green, wrinkly skin. It's eyes were yellowish red, almost as if it were possessed. Some bones and blood showed. And lastly, it reeked of death.

Kiba, her partner, grabbed a katana and stepped closer. "Don't move," he whispered softly. She nodded. The creature, who was a foot taller than Sakura, advanced steadily. It's eyes were aimed at its prey. Kiba looked at his goal with a determined look on his face. Everyone held their breath.

"Swish," the katana swung and beheaded the being. We cringed as blood flew all over the place. The female gagged slightly, but smiled. "I'm alright. We need to get out of here." We agreed.

"But how?" Naruto asked.

"Um, kyuubi mode is unacceptable," Minato-sensei said from the corner of the room.

"Dad!" Menma and Naruto shouted. The man smiled and hugged his boys. Hinata slightly blushed. I pushed her closer to the family.

"S-sir, d-do you know how we can escape?" She asked. He nodded.

"Yes, my future daughter-in-law." Naruto didn't protest, nor did Menma. "First, regroup with your partners. Now, we'll need to split up into two parts. The first part will escape using the right. The other will use the left." Shikamaru raised his hand.

"The left and right of what?" Minato-sensei clicked his tongue.

"The door in front of you." Chouji, who was holding the barricade, protested.

"That's practically suicide!" A few others agreed. Neji and I remained silent. I turned to him.

"What can you see with your byakugan over there," I pointed to the door. He looked there and sighed. Placing a hand on my shoulder, he shook his head.

"No one is out there," he assured me. I nodded. Minato-sensei was spot on with his idea. "However, there is an entire army outside. So we should think of a careful plan."

"Good thinking, Neji," Kakashi-sensei praised. Mentioned boy smirked. Minato-sensei frowned.

"If we're going to survive, we'll need supplies. The group that is going to the right is responsible for all food items. The left group will grab transportation. Mainly, grab the two trailers." We nodded and split off into two groups.


Neji, Hinata, Sakura, Kiba, Sasuke, Naruto, another girl, and I were in one group. Our leader was Minato-sensei, himself.

On the other side of the room (with Kakashi-sensei in the lead),Menma, Charasuke, Deidara, Ino, Konan, and Chouji. The rest of the class refused to come with us. We could only frown. If they wanted to die, what could we do to change it?


"Well, who's opening the door?" Neji asked. I volunteered. If I learned anything from the Hunger Games, it was that if you love someone, you would willingly place yourself in danger. I don't know who I did this for. Was it myself or for someone else? And what was it about jumping into danger that excited me?

I stood a foot away from the door and concentrated all the chakra towards my feet. Then, with a burst of energy, I broke the door down. Chouji dodged the door just in time and looked outside. "Nothing's there. Let's go." Each respected group went their separate ways.


Minato-sensei put on his intense face. Naruto giggled. "Dad, lighten up! We're fighting zombies. I've wanted to do this ever since watching World War Z!" Kiba smiled.

"Yeah. If anything happens, we'll know that we boys fulfilled our dreams!" Neji contradicted that statement.

"Um, not me. I'm fine without this attack." I nodded. There was a thump. Minato-sensei hushed us and beckoned for the byakugan users to come up and look for any possible threats in the kitchen.

"T-three zombies," Hinata stuttered. Sakura smirked.

"Time for revenge," she muttered and ran inside. "Shannaro!" Her fists and feet flew in every direction until the zombie was completely annihilated. "Come on! Let's get food and get out of here!" All of us grabbed a shopping bag from a drawer in the cafeteria kitchen and took bountiful foods. Then, we made a quick turn out and sliced some of the creatures along the way. However, one stopped us into our tracks.

"She looks familiar," the girl said. We studied the facial expression. Blondish hair and redish eyes. They were fading from their luminescent color.

"Tsunade-sensei!" I shouted. They all looked in shock at our principal. No...this could not be happening...

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