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The two trailers drove side-by-side in the empty streets. There was not a single sign of any living beings. With each corner, our hopes grew shorter. The zombies were becoming a more prominent issue. Rows and rows of gory creatures attempted to kill each other in a mad frenzy. After a while, I turned my face away from the un-captivating windows.

Neji, who was sitting next to me, took my hand in his. I looked at him questioningly. "Bruh?" He glanced quickly and I showed him our hands. He blushed lightly.

"Sorry. I'll take my hands away." In the end, he mumbled, "perhaps it was destiny." I ignored the last statement and held onto the rear end of the katana that Kiba allowed me to borrow. He had a few swords in the back of this trailer, according to him, so he was ok with me taking one. I happily accepted the weapon.

Now I was regretting that. None of the zombies had enough guts (pun intended) to infiltrate this trailer from the inside. Minato-sensei and Kakashi-sensei buzzed messages to one another from time to time. The ride around the village was so boring that I'd actually pay to see Naruto and Sasuke kiss again. And it seemed as if the boys had the same idea.

"Naruto, you baka!" Sakura shouted. Her sleeves were rolled up and she held her fist up to Naruto's face. Ino and Minami were right behind her. I sighed as the poor boy was whipped on the cheek for a second time. Menma stuck his tongue out and laughed like a child. Charasuke groaned, took out some money from his back pocket, and gave them to Naruto's twin. Sasuke wiped his mouth multiple times from the experience.

Minato-sensei shook his head and continued driving before pointing out something. "Guys, look to the left side of the bus. I think I see some people." Outside, three people stood with frowns and tears upon their faces.

"M-Minato-sensei, please g-go over," Hinata quietly commanded. Naruto slid his arm around Hinata's waist.

"Dad, it's Shikamaru, Sasori, and Gaara!" He ordered. Once again, Charasuke handed money over to Menma. I smirked.

"Neji, let's grab 'em and head into the trailer?" I asked. He nodded. We went up to sensei and volunteered as a tribute as volunteers to call them over. He nodded and opened the doors. We jumped out of the moving vehicle and landed safely a few yards away from the trio. I took out my katana and sliced some zombies. Neji used his byakugan to tell me where to attack.

Gaara's red hair was a bit bloody. Sasori had his puppet in his hand. Shikamaru was on the ground and was barely standing. "Oi, are you alright?" I asked. They nodded. "Were any of you bit by the zombies?"

"The brat to my left (Shikamaru) was almost strangled, but not bit." I sighed in relief at the same moment as when Neji almost chopped my hair off. I looked offended for a while, until I noticed that a creature was bending down on its knees.

"Hey, thanks." My partner merely nodded. I shook off his nonchalant response and looked at the people in front of us. "C'mon. Let's go inside before we become their next meal." Hungry, drooling zombies stared back at us. We grimaced and dashed to the open door. Deidara held out his arm.

"Well, you five took your sweet time. Now let's go!" We grabbed our seats and braced for sensei's rash driving. However, he didn't move.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Menma asked.

"Kakashi-kun just messaged me. Did you guys hear of a group called the Akatsuki?" Deidara and Sasori nodded.

"Danna and I are a part of it," the pyromaniac answered.

"My Nii-san is a part of it," Sasuke added.

"Well," he continued, "Kakashi wrote that the rest of the group has survivors. But they are all trapped in a lake resort. The place is remote and owned by the Akasuna company. Sasori, would you mind telling us where it is?" The redhead smirked.

"It's three hours away from here. We have to go to the edge of Iwagakure, in the opposite direction of Kumo, but I suppose your scientist friends live there. You worked at Microlab, didn't you?" The sensei nodded. "Well, go straight left and turn right at the fire hydrant..."

I droned out from the complex directions. As long as Minato-sensei and Kakashi-sensei understand, it's fine. After a few minutes, we were finally setting gears towards our next destination. I slumped back into my seat. A few minutes of sleeping wouldn't harm anyone. Or would it?

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