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Everyone glanced at our zombified-principal with horror. "Should we kill her?" Naruto asked. I advanced forward with my kunai. She didn't move. Her eyes gazed into mine, as if she were trying to convey a message. I put my weapon back into my pouch and walked up to her. She struggled against some force.

"Tsunade-sensei. What's wrong?" She shook her head and waved her hands to show that she couldn't speak. I nodded. "Show me, if you can't talk." Sensei grabbed my hand and put it against her neck. I felt something unusual there; a bite mark. "So they bite?" I questioned.

She held one finger up as if to say, "Wait, there's more to this." Then, she grabbed my neck and loosely touched it.

"Strangle?" Tsunade-sensei smiled. I turned to the others.

"The only way you can turn into a zombie is if you get bit by one. And then, you have to be strangled by one." Minato-sensei smiled. The others merely nodded. Neji skeptically walked up to her.

"Why are you telling us this?" I glared at him, but he only looked at Sensei. She showed us her necklace; a blue crystal hung from a string. She handed me a book and beckoned for Naruto to come over. She took out his specially made kunai and pressed it against her neck. Kill her, it meant.

Naruto hesitated. "I-I can't." She sighed and took her necklace off. With a swift motion, she placed the pendant on his neck and succumbed to the urge. In fear, he turned away and swung the weapon. With a smile on her face, the Sensei's final wish was fulfilled.

Minato-sensei bowed for a minute before turning to us. "She was a brave woman. However, we can mourn later. For now we need to survive." Neji activated his byakugan again.

"They've grabbed the trailers and are waiting at the door in front of us. Oh yeah, and an army is waiting outside so everyone should grab their weapons," he stated.

Cautiously, the girl (whose name I learned was Minami) opened the door. "Coast is clear so far. And look, there's the bus!" Kakashi-sensei furiously waved his arms and we ran to the trailers. Minato-sensei, Neji, Hinata, and I went to Deidara's trailer. The rest went to the other sensei's vehicle.

We closed the door just before a raid of zombies passed. Konan looked at me. "Akame, do you think we should call them 'zombies' or 'creatures' since they are members of society?" I thought.

"Hm, yeah. That's what the people at the lab-" I realized that I was about to let out a big secret. Naruto pushed me against the wall.

"What lab? And what happened at Iwagakure? Why did you leave us?" He questioned with anger. My once-best-friend was now at the verge of crying. I sighed and looked to the side.

Neji punched Naruto. "Oi, what was that for?" The boy asked.

"Don't hurt Akame-chan like that!" I looked at his curiously. Since when did he call me -chan? However, I decided to defend the blond for once.

"Neji, it's ok. You guys deserve to know. I went to Iwa for two years without a notice. My dad is actually a scientist. At the time, word went around that dead people can be revived. He took me to Iwa to help the research. If I stayed here, then he would have to place me in an orphanage. My mom...well, I'll just reveal that she's the reason my dad got interested in stopping people from dying."

The others sympathetically nodded. Naruto leaned in as Ino stopped his cheek from bleeding. "Well, the experiment went well for a year. They made the medicine and got a body to test it on. However, the night after they injected the substance, it woke up. It looked like a complete zombie. The scientists tried to behave the 'creature.' In the end, they were attacked. That's when all the scientists were quarantined. I haven't seen any of them ever since that day."

Minato-sensei turned to me. "That must be hard on you. I know Naruto and Menma were devastated when Kushina died. Then, when I disappeared, the boys went crazy." Menma turned to his father.

"Why did you disappear?" He asked.

"Well, I am one of those scientists." Everyone in the bus ran to the rear. "No need to be afraid. We found an anti-zombie injection. It's tested to work. However, Kumo is the only place that we have extra supplies. On the other hand, I promised the others I would get them." I walked up to him.

"How's my father?" He looked down.

"He's fine and immune from the zombies. But, he's severely ill." The others looked at me, worried. I gave them one glance.

"Let's find any other survivors and beat this apocalypse!" A roar of approval went up in the trailer. On the outside, I joined them. But on the inside, I was conflicted. Will this work? Are we really safe?

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