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Running at top speed in the jungle, I glanced at our surroundings. Oddly, we hadn't been attacked since the mart incident. My katana was being used as a chip-packet opener. Most of the chips were finished since the packets mostly contained empty air. And Neji took some food sneakily from time to time.

Speaking of Neji, his last comment had left me a bit shaky. "You..." I could feel something in his voice. A need. But for what? Me?

"Oi, Akame, chill. You look like you're in an apocalypse," he said.

"Thanks for noticing," I replied sarcastically. "By any chance, do you know where Kumo is?" The boy shook his head.

"It would've been better if we had been in a group instead of just the two of us. My byakugan isn't enough to help us. Shikamaru's brain would be helpful. Or even Pein's rinnegan. Or Sasuke's sharingan." I stopped running.

"Neji, we can't focus on what we don't have. Unless that fire up ahead is our idiot classmates-wait, fire? In a forest? Those idiots really outdid themselves," I mumbled before picking up a good speed. Neji struggled to keep up.

"Slow down!" He shouted.

"No! At this rate, they'll burn the forest!" I began to cough from the smoke.

"Akame, it's too dangerous to go there! Plus, you have no idea if the zombies are luring us in!" I stopped. He was right. But I still had this hesitation in my mind. I decided to keep going. After all, I had nothing to lose.


A few minutes later, I arrived at the scene of the crime. Kiba, Naruto, Sasuke, and Shikamaru were munching on marshmallows. I face-palmed. "Guys, you're giving away the fact that you're alive," I dead-panned. The four just innocently looked at us.

"Sorry, I was hungry," Naruto exclaimed.

"Kakashi-sensei turned into a zombie," Neji stated. Right to the point, huh? Well, the expression on the others faces' said one thing: "We know."

"We had to kill him," I said. "But guys, do you know how Kakashi-sensei turned into one of those creatures?" Shikamaru nodded.

"He was trying to protect Minato-sensei right here, in the spot that we're sitting in. Both teachers had injured their legs seriously. And both of them were turned...well, you know what I mean." Naruto sadly looked at the ground. I looked up at the sky and began to curse the author of this story. Why in the world did she have to kill off the best people?

Never mind that. I felt that something was fishy. Deep down, there was a part of me that didn't believe that the sensei's had died. They wouldn't go down so easily. Perhaps it was some master plan that they invented; the aim was to scare us. Or maybe this apocalypse was a shenanigan.

"Ne, Akame, I don't believe this is a scam," Sasuke said.

"I'd kill my dad if it was," Naruto mumbled. I grabbed some marshmallows and began to roast them.

"So does anyone know where Kumo is?" I asked. Shikamaru nodded.

"We're currently in Iwa. So Kumo is around three hours away from here if we use a car. If we'll take around three or four days." Hm, Iwa...Deidara was from here. He'd know stuff, but since he was not here, I tried to remember our school maps.

"The Tsuchikage's shop is right outside of this forest. She sells cars!" I successfully recalled. Everyone nodded.

"Let's get out of here," a voice said. I jumped and then settled back down. Shino--along with Gaara, Sasori, and Deidara--were standing right behind us.

"Even though Minato-sensei told us to split up, we believed staying in a group was better," Gaara explained.

"So the bigger the group, the better," Deidara added. I was happy at the statement; however, one thing bothered me greatly.

"Why am I the only girl in the group?"

"Because you're the best girl ever," Neji explained. I blushed as he pet my head lightly and got up. "Don't waste more time. Deidara, lead us!" The pyromaniac gladly took his position and moved our group forward.

"First of all, who knows how to drive a car?" Sasori and Neji raised their hands. "So you two have to grab and car and I'll show you where the roads are. Alright?" A voice of approval went up in the crowd.

"Ne, doesn't it feel weird that we haven't seen a zombie in forever," I asked. Speaking of the devils, a group came out of nowhere from the sky. I sighed, took my katana out, and braced myself for the attack. However, this wasn't any ordinary assault. It was a sen-tastic one

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