Jeez, Stop

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"Wake up," someone shouted.

"Five more minutes, Mom," I replied. Whoever tried to stir me stopped for a few minutes, until I felt something wet and cold on my face. I groaned and sat up.

"Akame, are you awake yet?" The person said.

"Yeah, yeah. And you didn't have to throw ice water on my face." I rubbed my eyes and stared at the culprit. Neji was adorably pouting and was posed like a puppy, on all fours. How could I resist that face? "Alright, I forgive you. Now, what's the situation?" His face immediately became serious and he sat up.

"We're at the lake resort. As soon as the two sensei's stepped out of the trailers, they were bombarded by zombies. So now, everyone except the two of us are outside fighting the creatures," he summarized. I nodded and realized something. He and I were alone. In a vehicle. With no one inside. Except for this really weird stench. And that stench means...

"Neji, duck!" He obeyed and I unsheathed my katana. There, in the flesh (or what remained of it), was a green, blood-oozing zombie I apologize for the goriness. Then, I beheaded the creature with one swing.

"Thanks," he genuinely said. I smiled.

"I'm just returning you a favor," I shrugged off. He smirked.

"You're trying to use my own tactic against me? Well, whatever. Let's go outside and help the others." I took his hand in mine and ran outside. The sky was a bluish-green color. A red tint was beginning to flow from the ground. I gagged at the smell and held my breath for a bit. The boney creatures advanced in on a huge mansion-like building. Built in a Victorian style, the resort expanded for a good acre and a half. The estate had a pool, but the filth in it was over pouring.

"Dodge!" The voice interrupted my train of thought.

"Hinata," I shouted after jumping above her 8 Trigrams technique. After a flip, I landed safely on the ground. "How's everyone holding?"

"W-well, Naruto, Menma, Charasuke, and Sasuke are trying to infiltrate the place. Minato-sensei ordered me to tell you and Neji to join them once you woke up." I grinned.

"Thanks, Hinata," I said before running off. Neji followed me. "Dude, we have to go inside the palace and save 'em," I re-explained. He nodded.

"Alright. Come on, the door is right-" He was cut off when a group of zombies blocked the entrance. I sighed. Was it really necessary for them to break my short lived happiness?

Anyway, I knocked a few of the unstable creatures off their feet before slicing them. Neji had my back while I had his. We went through the wave for a while until the door was in front of us. I put chakra on my feet for the second time in this apocalypse before breaking the door down.

Neji scoped the view and moved forward. I ran behind him. "It seems like the four boys have already come this far, look." Naruto's red scarf was on the ground. I picked it up. It must be precious to him, if the only time he dropped it was now.

"Ne, Akame?" I 'hm-ed.'

"One, I believe that Sasuke is influencing you too much. Two, they are trapped in a room on the second floor on the right side. And they are against a wall." At first, I was amazed that he knew this much. Then, I realized that his byakugan was activated. After mentally face-palming, I reached the stairs.

A lot of moans and groans were coming from upstairs. The people who were alive were grunting and shouting. Neji and I ran up the stairs and met our four classmates. "Hey guys! Naruto, your scarf." They waved and Naruto took his possession.

"Thank you, Akame-chan." He smiled warmly. I returned the gesture.

"Um, guys, help?!" Hidan shouted from the other side.

"Dude, fighting zombies isn't as easy as it looks," Charasuke complained. The six of us continued to fight the army until we reached the tired group.

I counted everyone. Hidan, Itachi, Kakuzu, Kisame, and Pein were standing there with determined looks on their faces. "Where's Tobi and Zetsu?" I asked.

"Zetsu was turned into a zombie and Tobi is a scientist trying to find a cure. He left to go who-knows-where!" Pein explained.

"Were any of you bit by a zombie?" I asked.

"Hidan was bit, but only lightly," Kakuzu confirmed.

"And was he strangled?"

"Yes, but by Pein." Everyone looked at me.

"Hm, come with us, Hidan, but you're being quarantined. Ok?" The man nodded.

"As long as I can pray to Jas-" I cut him off.

"Alright. Then it's decided. We're off." With that, we jumped on zombie's head and flew down the stairs. The rush of adrenaline served me well. However, I couldn't help but to wonder for how long would this madness last?

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