Prologue: A Long Time Ago...

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Muppet Theater - 1982

Oh, I'm never gonna be the same again,
Now I've seen the way it's got to end,
Sweet dream, sweet dream.

Strange Magic,
Oh, what a strange magic,
Oh, it's a strange magic.
Got a strange magic,
Got a strange magic.

Not even the soothing tune of the Electric Light Orchestra could bring ease to Tomas's unsteady card-playing hand. He accepted the invite to a Friday night game from his mother-in-law, Diana Navarro. Kermit, Fozzie, Gonzo, Scooter, Bunsen, Beaker, Animal, and Rizzo joined in. All of them sat around a makeshift poker table on an empty stage with the Boombox nearby to play all the tunes from KMUP Radio, the hottest station in the Los Angeles area.

Bunsen and Beaker had been winning every hand in the game, upsetting the other players and arousing suspicion in them.

Kermit was the only courageous one to confront them on the matter: "Hey, uh, you guys wouldn't happen to be using any 'technical help,' would you? You are the smartest people at the table."

"Call it like it is, Kermit!" Rizzo angrily exclaimed. "Dese two are cheatin'! Dey're usin' some of dat new tech dey've got runnin' around down dere in deir lab!"

Bunsen and Beaker simultaneously gasped over the rat's accusation.

"Beaker and I one hundred percent assure you all that we are using neither brains nor tech." Beaker meeped in support of Bunsen's claim. "We're simply blessed by Lady Luck."

"Oh, baloney." Rizzo muttered.

Diana refrained from busting with laughter over their behavior, biting her lower lip. Her eyes shifted over to Tomas, who sat to her left at the table, and she could see how stressed the young man was by his grimacing face and shaky hands. She hoped the card game would be somewhat of a reliever for him, which was the reason why she invited him to play.

He turned to her and asked, "Where has Joanie been these last fourteen hours?" His African accent was as thick as Joanie always described, being one of the many traits she loved him for.

Diana smiled. "Where else would she be?"

Tomas nodded understandingly, catching on to what she alluded to. "I must profess the moment I discovered my wife's secret life that things would be more fun. Unfortunately, as of late, it seems she has spent less time with me...on purpose."

"Tomas, why on earth would you think Joanie would deliberately try to avoid you?" Diana questioned. "She's always been crazy about you, ever since you two met in Africa, five years ago."

"I know it does not make sense. I am still trying to comprehend it myself. But I just believe she is hiding something from me. I do not want to think the worse, but...could she be...?"

Diana slammed her cards down on the table, inadvertently interrupting the heated debate among the Muppets and directing their attention to her and Tomas. She pointed a stern finger to the young man and said, "Now you listen to me. My daughter loves one man and one man only - and that's you. Why else would she trust you with all that she told you about our little adventure in 1977? Who else other than you would she share that with? She wouldn't have told you, unless she knew for a fact she would spend the rest of her life with you."

Tomas nodded. He appeared only slightly assured, refocusing on the card game. The Muppets also rejoined, ceasing their bickering.

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