Chapter Twelve: Sending a Message

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              Yen Sid was a whole two feet taller than the pair of Stormtroopers that escorted him from his detention cell to the Death Star's command center. He was almost insulted the Empire did not take him to be that much of a threat with only two of their soldiers guarding him. Of course, he had no reason to complain. As long as they believed him to be nothing more than a "dusty old man," as he overheard one trooper refer him, then he was free to continue planning a way to prevent the Empire from reaching Fantasia. But someone aboard the battle station did consider him to be of value – why else would he be brought to the command center?

              Waiting there for him were Admiral Grand Moff Tarkin and his Sith lord associate, Darth Vader. Standing in close proximity of Vader, Yen Sid found him to be nearly as intimidating as his title held him to be. He was virtually matched with Yen Sid's full height, though the master sorcerer still remained the tallest in the room. But that did not stop Tarkin from making himself feel bigger than everyone there with his boastful attitude. At the moment Yen Sid arrived, he stared out the large, wide viewscreen that took up much of the wall space. Upon it was a perfect view of the Sphere, floating close by the orbital battle station.

            "You and this magnificent construct have been the subject of great interest as of late." Tarkin said, not having once faced Yen Sid. "Since Vader's journey through the other universe this sphere is key to, the Emperor has decreed it the mission of the Empire to discover this new world and claim it in our name." Finally, the Grand Moff turned his attention to him, his soulless, cold blue eyes fixated on the intense glare of the master sorcerer's. "In the time we have contained you here, I have come to believe you to be a great Jedi master."

              "I am not a Jedi." Yen Sid impudently remarked.

              "Oh, we have come to realize that now." Tarkin clarified. "Not only have they been long extinct, but you do not dress like one of them nor do you seem to carry their code. And, above all, you lack a lightsaber of any kind. I also consulted with Vader on the possibility. By his standards, you are indeed not the Jedi we have believed you to be. That only begs the question of what you are exactly."

              Yen Sid's glower intensified. "I am not of your world."

              "We have realized that as well." Tarkin professed.

              "Then this interrogation is pointless." Yen Sid refuted.

              "Only I decide what this interrogation shall be!" Tarkin barked in anger. For a brief second, his cool was lost, yet he managed to regain it in time to continue: "Now, as I was saying, we have tapped into the true power of the spherical construct and discovered this universe that lies beyond the galaxy. Much like the Emperor, Vader and I wish to visit more of it...specifically your world within it."

              Yen Sid's ears perked. This was it. This was the moment he anticipated – the one that led to his vision of Fantasia's destruction. Whatever happened next in that room would determine the fate of the world and the rest of the Disneyverse.

              "You will tell us the location of your home planet." Tarkin brazenly demanded.

              After a minute of silence, Yen Sid had done something he not often did: he laughed. His laughter echoed through the hollowed area, drawing much ire from both Tarkin and Vader. "You truly believe it would be that simple getting me to lead you to my home? You are an empire of fools."

              Tarkin fumed at the sorcerer's insulting remarks yet remained composed. "We expected such resilience. You are not the first to spit in the face of our authority. As such, we have found a method to bring out your compliance."

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