Chapter Six: The New World

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There were many Star Destroyers in the Imperial Navy, but none were as colossal in design as the Executor, a super-class Star Destroyer and Darth Vader's personal battle cruiser. It trekked through an empty sector of the galaxy with a dozen regular-class Destroyers flanking it. Aboard the warship, Vader entered his personal holoprojection chamber and used the HoloNet transceiver to make contact with the Emperor.

Kneeling upon the platform that lit once activated, it was the proper position for the Sith Lord to take as soon as the massive holographic projection of his master filled the room. "Lord Vader," he greeted in his gravelly voice.

"Master," Vader responded, slowly looking upward from his kneeling posture.

"You have made progress in your investigation." It was more of an observation or statement than an assumption or question. The Emperor was strong with the Force, and Vader knew he sensed the information he sought to share with him before he uttered a word.

"The Sphere is a gateway to another universe." Vader informed.

A wicked smile manifested upon the face of the Emperor. "Good. The display of our might is no longer limited to one galaxy. Another lies in wait of our rule. Enlist in the aid of the Inquisitor to see that our efforts are carried out."

"We have another who can do so, my master - Yve Ette. She has vast knowledge of the artifact."

"My trust in this woman is not as great as yours, Lord Vader. I have sensed a presence in her that I fear will emerge and bring failure to our plan."

"I assure you, she can be trusted. Her power is unimaginable and will maintain order in this world and the new one."

The Emperor momentarily paused in deep thought. " have seen it yourself?"

"I have, Master."

"Then, wherever it may lie, we shall lay the full groundwork for our new expanded Empire there."

The Realm of Fantasia

Her rose-red robe was all that was in between the air and her bare skin. As comfortable as she was in her skin, she was constantly reminded that it was not entirely hers. The living cells that made up her body once belonged to a man by the name of Sean Thomas. Following his death, those cells disintegrated and dispersed through the boundaries of time and space, until they finally reconstructed into a new body - one that was female in design. Like a newborn baby, the body was unclothed, as it would be, since clothes cannot construct with the new skin. As embarrassing a rebirth as it might have been, it was least to her it was.

The process repeated fifteen times before the form of a forty-something Scottish woman with strawberry blonde hair and an athletic physique constructed from those magical blood cells and chose to be named "Anne-Marie." She stood there in her private quarters within Yen Sid's castle, the only place she could call home in her five thousand-year-old life as Guardian of the Disneyverse, her robe clothing her nude body.

Near her was a stone-made tub, filled with boiling, bubbling water that glowed in gold and rainbow colors. It would have appeared like the perfect bubble bath, but it was something else entirely. Anne-Marie poured a special potion she concocted herself into the water, which turned into the hot tub it was that moment in mere seconds. She stared over it with an expression of hope.

This has to work, she thought.

Slowly, she disrobed, exposing her bare, toned form to no one in particular. She was alone - more alone than she felt after the loss of John Panda and before returning to Fantasia in this this new timeline. While disrobing, she looked out the small, squared window beside the tub, which was at perfect eye level with her, granting a majestic view of the enchanted city outside. Down below, at the steps of the castle, she could see her apprentice, Katie, conversing with another resident sorcerer. Judging from his dashingly rugged appearance and how much Katie enjoyed his company, she could assume this man was the "Brandon" character Katie discussed so much about.

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