Chapter One: Unbridled Opportunity

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"Look, I'm tellin' you guys - really tellin' you - I'm innocent! No, seriously! You've caught the real criminal, and she's standing right over there!"

Adrienne rolled her eyes in disgust from Chrissy selling her out to the Stormtroopers. The white-armored cannon fodder of the Empire escorted both women down the detention center corridor on board the Death Star. Apparently, they were not considered much of a threat, with only two Stormtroopers working as escorts. Neither of them clearly had any interest in listening to Chrissy - evident from their lack of response.

They finally stopped upon the door of one holding cell that one of the Troopers opened from the control panel to the right of the frame. Chrissy was shoved inside, while Adrienne remained outside with the Troopers. Chrissy made one final attempt to plead to them, but she was quickly shut off by the sealing of the cell door.

She could not believe the trouble she was in due to the so-called "Guardian," who claimed her intention to lead her to answers on her condition by a strange man named Yen Sid. Of course, in order for them to reach him, they must be captured by the Imperials - a plan Chrissy yet to see the real purpose in, even as she stood within the confines of a bleak, four-walled room of which she evidently did not have to herself.

Standing across from her were two other women. One was a short, barefooted young blonde wearing a black sleeveless top and tight leather pants. The other was a slightly taller redhead in a green mini-skirted dress, a black leather jacket, black leggings, and black boots.

The blonde sat lotus style on the only "bed" in the cell - a long, thick rectangular block protruding from the wall adjacent to the sealed door. Her eyes were shut, and she appeared to be in a meditative state. Of course, the most striking feature about her was the bareness of her feet. Chrissy glanced around to see if there were any signs of her footwear, only to discover there were not any. Did the Stormtroopers confiscate them? Did she have some sort of weapon concealed in them?

Whereas the blonde appeared disinterested in Chrissy, the redhead carried a completely different attitude towards her. She approached with her right fist raised up to Chrissy and a warm smile on her attractive face. She was noticeably tall, slightly towering over her.

"What up, sistah!" Her vernacular was strange - it was certainly not of any world she ever visited in her time as a Star Tours engineer. "Welcome to imprisonment! Name's Penz!"

"I'm Penz." The blonde corrected her. "You're Vanessa."

The tall redhead giggled in embarrassment. "Right. My bad. Still getting used to the name."

Chrissy gave a quizzical look to the middle-aged woman. "Still getting used to? Is it some type of alias? Are you hiding from the Empire?"

"We are not hiding." Penz retorted, not once reopening her eyes to directly address those she spoke to. "Our names are strictly confidential."

"O...kay?" Chrissy awkwardly acknowledged. "So how did you two get caught? Did you do it on purpose, too?"

Vanessa was anticipated to share. "Actually we-"

"It's confidential." Penz snapped.

All of the energy seemed to have been sucked right out of Vanessa from the prohibition set by her young blonde companion. She sighed in disappointment. "What she said. Sorry. I guess she's right. It's a shame, too, because I love sharing things...especially with a fellow redhead." She included that last part with a smile and an elbow nudge to Chrissy.

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