Chapter Four: Same Spirit, Tamer Heart

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              That kiss. It certainly felt like Sean's, regardless of the lips that touched her skin coming from Adrienne. It was one powerful kiss. Sent her body tingling all over. It even resonated through the child in her womb, kicking something fierce in reaction.  

              Christina's eyes were shut through the entire experience. Once she opened them again, she anticipated to see the beautiful face of her husband's reincarnated form. Unfortunately, she was welcomed by the total opposite: a bizarre, bald-headed, grey-black-skinned creature with round black eyes, tusks, and dark brown fur. It gazed right back at her with those round eyes that she reflected off of.  

              She shrieked at the sight of the alien, falling back into a pair of muscular (and familiar) arms. Looking up to see the identity of her catcher, she was relieved to discover it to be Hercules. She turned away from him and glanced about their surroundings. No longer did they stand inside of the hut on Tatooine. They were on an entirely different planet – one filled with tons of skyscrapers that reached beyond the heavens and flying vehicles that soared back and forth in lane upon lane of traffic. They stood upon a walkway with dozens of passing pedestrians of a variety of alien species.  

              Like Tatooine, Christina had seen this planet before, but only in the Star Wars prequels that she watched with Sean. If her memory was correct, it was known as Coruscant.  

              "He...she sent us to another planet?" She bellowed in frustration. "I thought she was sending us to another time!"  

              Hercules scratched his head, seeming just as confused. "I think we are."  

              "How can you tell?"  

              "Well..." His baby-blue eyes searched around for a visible clue; unfortunately, there were not any available. "Yeah, I've got nothing."  

              Christina groaned. Her feet began to ache from standing for so long.  

              Hercules snapped his fingers in realization. "Wait. I know. Let's look for the other Adrienne. The one she sent us back through time for."  

              "Do you realize how ridiculous of a plan that is?" Christina gestured to the new alien atmosphere that encompassed them. "Look at where we are. This futuristic city world is too big of a place to search for one woman."  

              Hercules gave a hopeful smile. "It can't be so hard to find someone with such a distinctive appearance like hers. Not too many people with those intimidating eyes."  

              Christina snickered; it was the first moment she was able to laugh during such a taxing, unexpected experience. "Crazy Eyes. That needs to be our new nickname for her." Hercules laughed heartily with her on the thought. Once she slowed down and took a breather, she reflected more on the woman who served as the main topic of their discussion: "Still can't believe that's my the body of a legit female."  

              "Must be pretty weird for you, huh?"  

              Christina smirked. "No kidding. It was insane enough dealing with the fact that he morphs back and forth between himself and this 'alter ego' that calls herself 'Natalie' – that woman who took him away from me. Genevieve and Victoria tried to explain the whole thing...this 'reincarnation process,' as they call it...but I didn't believe any of it 'til now. That white dust Adrienne told me about? Well, apparently, Sean inhaled some of it and accidentally screwed up the 'normal' way to reincarnate, which is why he switches back and forth. Genevieve and Victoria labeled it as an 'amalgamated reincarnation' on account of how different it is from the way they were born...or reborn." She sighed and added with a distraught chuckle, "Even as I'm telling all of this to you – the Disney Hercules – I feel like I've been possessed and this is all some twisted version of Hell!"  

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