Chapter Seven: The Snowman of Hoth

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Leave me alone! Go away! You're not my Granddaddy! You're not my Granddaddy!


Vanessa screamed out the second she snapped awake from the nightmare. Only it was not a nightmare - it was a memory. A memory that she cared not to think about. It was the reason why she was there in that galaxy far, far away. It was the reason why she spent a night in that ice-cold wampa cave, sleeping in the most awkward, stiffening position. It took a great effort to peel her body off the icy floor, being slow and careful to do so as not to shred any fabric off her clothes.

Adrienne and the young woman they found in the snow were still asleep, both lying in better positions than Vanessa. The advantages those shorter in stature have in closed spaces, she thought.

The tall redhead took a moment to stretch out the kinks in her stiffened body. With each joint she stretched out, there were loud pops that resonated throughout the cavern. Despite the sounds, it nonetheless was a marvelous feeling and way to start off the day.

The makeshift fire that Adrienne started died out. It was made mostly for the benefit of the young lady, who appeared to have thawed out entirely either from the fire or on her own. Her resilience to Hoth's harsh climate was impressive - a little too impressive. Was she even human? Or was she some type of creature that had the ability to look human while possessing a physiology adaptable to any climate? Whatever the case, Vanessa was just glad to know she lived to see the morning sunshine.

Sure enough, it shined through the wall of ice that encased the entrance to prevent the wampa from entering and inevitably killing them all. However, the towering creature was nowhere to be seen on the other side, much to Vanessa's relief. With this discovery, she rushed to Adrienne, kneeling beside her sleeping form and waking her up by gently shaking her right shoulder.

"Adrienne. Adrienne, wake up. We made it."

Responding to the wake-up call, Adrienne's body jolted with a start, her left hand reaching for one of the lightsabers on her belt. Vanessa felt guilty for waking her out of whatever bad dream that evoked such a reaction, having just come out of one herself.

"What's going on?" Adrienne cautiously questioned.

Vanessa moved aside, so that she could see the unoccupied space beyond the ice wall. "Look. Big, White, and Scary is gone!"

Adrienne got up from her icy spot, peeling herself off a lot faster than Vanessa but managing to retain every fabric from the cloak she slept on. There was a sound akin to that of wallpaper being peeled off that made Vanessa cringe. Once she got past it, she noticed Adrienne going to the ice wall and placing her hands on the chilling structure. It melted down in a matter of seconds. Vanessa was not certain how Adrienne did it, yet she still was not able to understand how she made it in the first place.

"Wait here with the girl, while I go out and make sure the coast is really clear." Adrienne instructed.

Vanessa acknowledged the command with a nod. Shortly after Adrienne left the cave, Vanessa heard moaning behind her and turned to see the young woman in the oversized red plaid shirt and grey leggings starting to regain consciousness. She went to her side and instinctively placed a hand on her forehead, checking for a fever; fortunately, there was not one.

Her eyes gradually opened - a pair of sparkling green staring right at the smiling face of Vanessa.

"You alright, hon?" Vanessa asked.

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