Chapter Twenty: We Are Here to Change the World

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              From Emperor Palpatine's throne room on the Death Star, Fantasia loomed in its majestic white splendor. His view of the planet, the armada, and the Sphere came from the observation dome at the top of a tower placed directly next to the station's superlaser. The platform served as Palpatine's watchtower in order to view the laser's firing demonstrations. His chamber could only be reached through a massive circular doorway with a large metal beam that rotated to unlock the door. In the main chamber, his throne was elevated above the floor by a short staircase, flanked by his Royal Guards and Imperial Senate Guards. There were numerous control consoles surrounding the throne. Throughout the room were decorations of large statues made of black stone.

            Fantasia was in excellent trajectory of the superlaser, just as the Emperor desired.

            He sensed the turning tide of the battle on the planet, angered in the particular failure of Vader against a mouse and two would-be Jedi.

            It was as the blue-haired woman warned him – Fantasia could not be taken so easily. But he was prepared to take drastic measures nonetheless.

            "What is our next course of action, Your Majesty?"

            Tarkin was nowhere close to being as in tune with the Force as his emperor was, but he was certainly aware of how their efforts – despite how quadrupled they were – dwindled in this war. Reports from the other ships came through fast of the heavy firepower and necromancy that the sorcerers on the planet carried, picking off their troops rapidly.

            "This world we sought to conquer must now be destroyed," Palpatine asserted, his displeasure evident in his tone. "Governor Tarkin," the Grand Moff stood at attention of his next order, "have the superlaser primed and ready to fire on my command."

            Tarkin bowed to his ruler. "Yes, Your Majesty. It will be done."

            He made haste in his departure. Time was of the great essence.


            Fighting Yve Ette head-on and bare-handed was a mistake that Taryn, regardless of the Guardian power both she and Marcia possessed, started to see. The physically advantageous Yve Ette had the fight in her favor. She hardly needed her bizarrely structured lightsaber to beat the life out of them both. Taryn in particular found herself strained and exhausted, lying face down in the dirt after a hard and swift roundhouse kick to the face. She only had this new body for a day; there was still a lot to get used to. One thing was for certain: it could definitely take punishment well.

            She felt herself yanked off the ground by the back of her crop top. Dribble flew from her mouth as her head whipped from the rough-handling. Once again, she was facing Yve Ette, that vicious, bloodthirsty smile on the corrupted reincarnation's countenance. She did not waste any time in throwing punches. Her fist was like a blur until Taryn could see the lines on the knuckles before everything fleetingly went white and her brain rattled in her skull. She counted ten hits before they stopped all of the sudden.

            Through hazy, doubled vision, Taryn could almost make out what looked to be Marcia holding Yve Ette's arm back, drawing attention to herself. Taryn felt the grip on her top drop, along with herself, as Yve Ette centered her onslaught on Marcia. She became more of a victim to Yve Ette's quick feet than her hands from the Bruce Lee action she brought on her.

            A knee to the face sent Marcia reeling back and down to the ground. She made an attempt to get back up, only to be pinned by a big heavy boot planted firmly between her breasts. She could not get up any less take a breath from the immense pressure. She saw Yve Ette standing proud atop of her, her special-made saber flaming above her head. It was clear this fight, as well as Taryn and Marcia themselves, came to an end.

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