Chapter Eleven: Brandy

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              No matter how hard she tried, Joanie just could not figure out the story behind this young, black-haired woman she saved from being digested within an anaconda. By her dress style (a large, white long-sleeved shirt worn beneath a dark brown corset with the cuffs encased by matching leather bracelets, black leggings, and grayish-brown boots), Joanie imagined that she came from Fantasia or was part of this unusual realm she still was unable to identify.  

              The little boy, Benji, fell asleep waiting for his so-called "granddaddy" to wake up. To keep him warm in the cold, damp atmosphere, Joanie made a campfire directly at the center of the semicircle she, Benji, and "Granddaddy" made within a small clearing. She waited for several minutes before "Granddaddy" showed signs of reaching consciousness with dry, heavy coughing.  

              From her right hand, Joanie conjured a glass of fresh, ice-cold lemonade to give for the young woman to drink. Her coughing was cured just about instantly. Once it subsided, she gazed up at Joanie with weary brown eyes and hoarsely said, "Thank you."

              "No problem." Joanie returned to her side of the campfire whilst vanquishing the cup she conjured out of existence, storing it within another plane until it could be useful for another time. Facing the young woman again, she noticed how she looked to the sleeping Benji with a warm, misty-eyed expression, as if she recognized him. "You know who this lil' fella is?"  

              The young woman's smile grew faint, giving a nod. "I do."  

              Joanie accepted her truthful answer with a nod of her own. "Good. The poor lil' thing was lost, so I gave him some help in finding his 'Granddaddy.' Imagine my surprise when we found you." The woman's brown eyes hesitantly focused on Joanie. "Now, I may be old-fashioned, but I don't believe it's a term of endearment when a six-year-old black child refers to a twenty-something white girl as 'Granddaddy.' So, you either had really good plastic surgery and a really good sex change or you're a sorcerer in disguise."

              The dark-haired woman shrugged, smirking. "Pretty close to the second one, I guess."  

              This answer satisfied Joanie's growing curiosity. "Then you are from Fantasia."  


              Joanie shook her head. "Nuh-uh. We're not gonna beat around the bush on this, kiddo. Let's get straight to the point. Who are you really?"  

              The young woman sighed in consideration of her next reply. "If I were to honestly tell you who I am, you sure as hell wouldn't believe me."  

              "Try me." Joanie challenged.  

              With a snicker, the young woman accepted the challenge: "Alright. Here it is: I am your future son, Sean Thomas, in a reincarnated form that I named 'Genevieve.'"  

              There was prolonged silence between the two women. Genevieve sat and waited for some type of reaction to come out of the otherwise blank Joanie. But, after a few minutes passed, Joanie smiled and casually said, "Yeah, that's just what I thought."  

              Genevieve frowned in surprise. "What? How...?"  

              "Oh, c'mon. This lil' dude looks just like a six-year-old you." She briefly gestured to the slumbering Benji. "After then, it wasn't too difficult to make the connection. But what I can't figure out is how you could be so irresponsible to bring him into the Disneyverse and leave him all alone."  

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