Chapter Three: Lost In Transit

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Four Years Later

Nine months pregnant - check. Barefoot on intensely hot sand - check. Sweating profusely - check. Figured out how you ended up in a desert wasteland with two suns - still pending.

Her blistered bare feet kicking up sand and one hand on her protruded, bouncing belly, Christina Thomas did not have that much time to determine how she wound up in the mess she currently found herself in. Not too far behind her was a pack of Tusken Raiders, otherwise known as "Sand People." How she was able to identify these grotesque-looking creatures was thanks to having a husband who insisted on watching Star Wars almost every movie night.

They held their spears high in their pursuit of the young pregnant woman.

Christina's mind raced over the multiple possibilities of her predicament. Only mere minutes earlier, she was in the Muppet Theater, worrying over the whereabouts of her husband and questioning the story shared with her by Victoria and Genevieve - two women who proved they could no longer be trusted in her eyes.

Wait! That's it!

Upon having her realization, she tripped on her legs and tumbled down a large sand dune. The Sand People followed her tumbling body down to the base. As soon as it stopped, they momentarily had as well and began slowly advancing on her. Christina saw them closing in and attempted to get back on her feet, yet she struggled with the extra weight she carried and the exhaustion that overtook her. She could get no further than turning from her side to her back.

It was no use. She and her baby were going to die at the hands of a group of aliens she never in her life imagined she would face.

"Sorry, kiddo," she whispered to her unborn child, one hand rested on her bump.

Just when the Sand People were a few feet from her, something rocketed down from the sky and hit the dune. It literally exploded from the impact, a massive sand cloud gathering around Christina and the Tusken Raiders and blinding them.

Clearing her eyes from bits of sand, Christina attempted to see what was happening, only managing to catch the Sand People being attacked themselves by a muscular figure who punched down three.

Another figure, one donned in a hood and cloak, entered the skirmish with an orange lightsaber - its glow lost in the sand cloud that its color meshed with. The remaining Tusken Raiders were slashed down with ease from the lightsaber-wielding, hooded figure.

Once the two combatants successfully defeated their opponents, the hooded figure turned in Christina's direction. Showing a display of lightning-fast agility and incredible strength, the hooded stranger picked Christina up from the ground, carrying her out of the sand cloud and into fresher air.

Able to see much clearer, Christina gazed at her rescuer. First thing she noticed was how her body - exposed from beneath the opened cloak - had the shape of a toned, slender woman. In addition to the beige cloak, the mysterious female was donned in a blue silk sweater that hung off her slimmed frame and exposed her pale shoulders, a maroon miniskirt with skinny jeans worn underneath, a gun belt with two holsters carrying blasters and lightsaber hilts, and knee-high, high-heeled brown boots that were riddled with sand at their rubber soles. Her face was obscured by round pilot's goggles and a reddish-orange scarf, although Christina could manage to make out hints of brown hair poking from underneath the hood.

"How far along are you?" The woman suddenly asked while carefully setting Christina back down. She followed up with various pregnancy-related questions that Christina tried to answer but could not, due to the rapid way in which she spoke.

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