Chapter 23 ~ Different

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                                                                         Stryke's POV

     I think my heart just stopped. The face Aaron made gave my shivers to my very core. His face showed signs of sorrow, confusion, and something else I can't point out. But, itdoesn't seems good. We stood there in the sidewalk of the school speechlessly. A gentle cold breeze resembling our current conversation. 

"mmmm...... No, I don't think there is anything wrong with you." Aaron must have noticed my change in expression. but, what was making him look at me in that way though?

     I stared into Aaron's eyes trying to figure out exactly what he was thinking but, If he doesn't think there is anything wrong with me then, he is unreadable.

" You don't have to change who you are to be what you are though." Aaron continued.

" Changing who you are because you found out you are something you never knew you were isn't right. It's like giving yourself an accent and wearing a kilt because you found out you were Scottish.... If you want I can get you a change of clothes."

     I stared at Aaron, so the reason he had that expression is only because he doesn't like what I'm wearing. Well, thats easy to change. I smiled and laughed to myself.

 " Can I still wear the shirt though? You bought it for me."

"Sure." Aaron said, a smirk spreading across his face.


Sorry that I did two 16 line chapters in a row but I'm getting way excited about what is in one of the upcoming chapter :3

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