Chapter 34 - Better Off On My Own

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                                                               Aaron's POV

     He always leaves. I'm always stuck alone every morning and I'm fucking sick of every day being all alone...Let's just not fucking think about him. I have work anyways.

     I decided not to take the bus to the hospital. I walked halfway there when someone called my name.


"Yeah." I said puzzled since the voice wasn't familiar.

"Umm hi." whoever he is, he's blushing and it's kind of cute.

"Hi. Do I know you?" I tried looking in his eyes but he averted his gaze.

"Umm, No but, You bumped into me the other day and ummm..... you dropped this." He handed me my school I.D.

" Oh, thanks. What's your name?" I tried to look into his eyes again and this time he looked up for a moment revealing almost frog like eyes. They were a a froggy green with orange in it.

"My Name?......Grayson." He looked up again but looked away again.

"You know your eyes aren't weird." I said using my finger to push his chin forcing his gaze on me.

"What do you mean." he seemed lost in me. his gaze no longer moved away.

"Your eyes... are beautiful." I said smiling at Grayson. "Are you doing something right now?"

"I was just going to study a little."

"Wanna walk me to work? You could study in the courtyard and walk me home later? I don't like being alone."

     Grayson looked at his watch to the schools tower. He gaze moved to his books then over my shoulder. He must still be a little shy. Either that or he has some for of ADD

"I guess...Yeah, ok." He smiled and lightly grabbed a hold of my hoodie.

"You know you can old my hand."

"No, I'm alright..... Thanks though."

     We continued walking to my work and Grayson went to the courtyard while I went inside. The nurse wasn't there yet... apparently. I went over to the desk and saw a note addressed to me.

"I can't come n today so if anyone needs help just do what you can."

     Really? How am I suppose to help when everyone is still asleep? I guess I could star with cleaning or painting or something.

     I started out with dusting the lobby followed by sweeping, mopping, and waxing. When I as done with that I took out some off white paint and began repainting the walls. By the time my shift was over I already got all the coats of paint on the wall making the lobby room already look a million times better.

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