Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Fun Ghoul finally returned the next day. It was about nine in the afternoon, and Frank and I were in the middle of a very intense game of Go Fish.

"Got any threes?" I asked him. Frank and I had already played this game twice before, but there was nothing else to do, so we were playing it once again.

"Go fish," Frank said. I took another card as Frank asked, "Do you have any jacks?"

I handed him two jacks. "I win!" Frank exclaimed as he put down his final set.

"Good game," I said. "Now can I have some coffee?"

"Coffee's for closers," Frank said.

That's when Fun Ghoul flew into the room and dropped a letter onto the table. I tore the envelope open and read the letter.

Dear Gerard,

I'm writing this letter and wishing you well, but I don't think you have to worry about Augustus Rookwood anymore. To put it bluntly, he's dead.

I'm on the Hogwarts Express right now. The last few days at Hogwarts were interesting to say the least. I know that you and Frank are probably mad that you missed the graduation ceremony, but Ray says that it wasn't that exciting. They just took the boats back across the lake before boarding the Hogwarts Express. I got my grades back for my final exams, and I did very well. I even got a 100% in Defense Against The Dark Arts! Everyone misses you and Frank. Hayley even said that "Gryffindor house just isn't the same without Frank and Gerard."

I'm sure you're wondering how exactly Rookwood died. I'm getting there. We rode unicorns today. Gerard, you've seen a unicorn up close, haven't you? They're the most beautiful things in the universe. Anyways, I got to ride a unicorn that was this gorgeous shade of bright, pure white and it was just so amazing...

And then Mikey went on for about three pages about unicorns and how perfect they are. To preserve your sanity, I have omitted this section of his letter.

So I finally got on the unicorn, but it just started running into the forest. I tried to stop it, but it wouldn't stop or slow down. I heard a shriek as the unicorn was running, and when I looked over my shoulder, I saw the man with one blue eye and one brown eye. He was laying on the ground, and he wasn't moving. The unicorn finally slowed down, and I managed to get it to go back to where class was being held. I told Hagrid what happened, and he contacted the Aurors. That afternoon, the Aurors confirmed Rookwood's death and determined that the cause of the death was "a strong kick to the head by a unicorn."

I'm still a little bit shaken up by the incident, but now Rookwood's gotten what he deserved, so I'm just going to go back to eating Chocolate Frogs with Ray.

See you soon, Gerard!



P.S. Remember those thestrals that you told me about during second year? I can see them now. They're really creepy, and they're definitely not as cool as unicorns.

"Gerard, are you okay?" Frank asked.

"Mikey's unicorn killed Rookwood," I explained.

"Wait, what?" Frank said. I handed the letter to Frank, and he read it. "It's ironic, isn't it?" he said after he finished. "Mikey managed to kill his own killer."

"Mikey didn't kill him though," I reminded Frank. "His unicorn did."

"Whatever," Frank said. One of Frank's dogs crawled under the table again, and Frank stroked its fur. "I'm just glad that everyone's doing well at Hogwarts."

"Me too," I said.

I started writing a letter back to Mikey.

Dear Mikey,

It was very nice to hear from you, and I'm glad that you're alright. I still can't really believe that your unicorn killed Rookwood, but now he can't hurt us anymore.

Frank and I are going back to Hogwarts to pick up our diplomas tomorrow. Would you and Ray like to meet us at Dervish & Banges?



I put the letter in an envelope and gave it to Fun Ghoul, who then flew off. I looked back at Frank, who was trying to teach one of the dogs how to do a really complicated trick. Frank was just so good with animals. Honestly, Frank was amazing in so many ways. I didn't even know where to begin.

"Frankie?" I said. "What would you think of taking a trip back to Hogwarts?" 

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