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Adriana's P.O.V

"Adriana you ready?"
"Just a second dad."

I took one last look around the house I grew up in, it looked completely different considering it was empty.

"Adriana! We gotta go we don't want to miss our flight."

I grabbed my last suit case and put it in the trunk. Before I got in the car I looked back at the house once more.

"Where to?", the cab driver asked.
"LAX Airport."


After my dad and I went through all the annoying airport security we walked over to the waiting area.

"I'm gonna go grab a snack from the vending machine, want anything?", my dad asked me.
"Snickers.", I responded.

He walked away and I sat in the waiting area texting my best friend Giselle. I saw movements from the corner of my eye and looked up. A little girl came to the waiting area with her mom and it made me think about my mom and how much I missed her. I was interrupted from my thoughts when my dad tossed me a snickers bar and sat down next to me.

"You nervous?", my dad asked me as he took a sip from his diet Pepsi.
"I don't know, I mean I've lived in California my whole life and now we're going to go live in Nebraska."
"We'll be fine."


"Now boarding flight 45"

"That's our cue to go.", my dad said as he stood up from his seat and stretched out. We grabbed all our luggage and walked to the plane. We handed the flight attendant our tickets and we got on the plane. Once we were in the plane we looked around to find our assigned seat. I found mine and so did my dad. Unfortunately, we didn't get seats next to each other and he had to site a whole two rows behind me. Great! now that means I have to sit next to two complete strangers. There was already a middle aged women by the window seat and a boy that looked about 13 years old was in the aisle seat so that left me with the middle seat, I hated middle seats. Once the plane took off, I put in my AirPods (if I'm gonna update and edit the story I might as well update the technology used in the story lol), went to Spotify, and hit shuffle on my playlist. I let out a big sigh before I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Alright I'm back and I jut updated this chapter. I didn't really make any big changes, just a few grammatical errors and I might've reworded some things but I hope you enjoy. I am so sorry to all the people who read this and were upset that I didn't continue but I will try to write new chapters as soon as I edit all these chapters. I will try to make the chapters longer so I think once I'm done editing them, you guys should go back and maybe re read the story, that is if anyone is still reading my story lol bye.

hate; j.f.gDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora