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Adriana's P.O.V

'Sweetie I'm gonna have to work late today so don't wait up on me for dinner there's $60 on the counter. Love you have a great day at school.
-love dad'

I read the note on the fridge and took the money from the counter. I was too lazy to prepare myself breakfast so I grabbed my stuff, got in my car, and drove to McDonald's.

The drive thru was way too long and I was sure to be late if I went through there so I decided to just walk in after I grabbed my phone and money. I got a text from Giselle and before I could read it I bumped into someone and their tray with their food fell on the floor.

"Oh crap I'm so sorry.", I said getting down and helping the person pick up the tray.

"Adriana?", The voice asked.

I looked up and saw the blonde haired boy who saved me yesterday.

"Oh hey jack.", I smiled.

He waved and I handed him the tray.

"I'm so sorry do you want me to pay for another meal?", I asked him.

"No it's fine that's why McDonald's wraps their McMuffins.", he smiled as he held it up.

"Johnson lets go."

I turned around and saw the brown haired Jack.

"I gotta go see you at school.", he patted my shoulder and walked out the door.

The other Jack looked at me and before he left he winked at me.


I walked in first period and sat down in my seat. The teacher started talking about the assignment we'd be doing today and that's when Sam walked in the door. She told him something in Spanish and shook her head before going back to explaining.

The last couple of minutes the teacher gave us free time to do what we wanted and I got on my phone. Giselle was texting me and showing me the messages that Cameron sent to her saying he wanted to get back with me.

In California I had this boyfriend and his name was Cameron Dallas. He was actually my childhood crush. I never thought I would ever have a chance with him so I never talked to him. Then, when middle school started that's when he started talking to me and that was also when he became a dick. I was too blind to see it I've been in love with him since the third grade, so when he asked me out I said yes. We dated and 3 months ago I found out that he was cheating on me so I dumped him and he's been trying to get me back since.

Our relationship was so toxic. He never let me have any guy friends and any time I wanted to hang out with my girl friends he always took me away from them. If I told him that I wanted to hang wit my friends he'd get all mad and start to say things like, "Ok then go to your little friends since you like them more than me." or "you need to hang out with me because I'm your boyfriend, I always come first."

I felt bad so I always gave in. I ignored all the red flags. So when I broke up with him, I've never felt more free. I regret letting him meet my parents because they loved him. My mom adored him and I wish she would've been alive to see how much of an ass he is.

Sam walked up to me and gave me a piece of paper then the bell rang and he walked out.

I unfolded the paper and read what it said.
'Party this Friday @ 8756 Whitney St.'

Ha yea right like I'd go to a party where Sam was going to be present.


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