twenty one

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Adriana's P.O.V

The car ride was very awkward, no one was saying anything. I just sat there and looked out the window. I started thinking about everything.

I'm not going to lie Sam was very good looking and but I didn't like Sam like that. I never want to be in a relationship with someone like him.

After all of this I don't know if I'll talk to Sam again. Everything was going perfectly fine. He was slowly starting to make me believe that he actually did want to start over and be just friends.

Johnson parked the car, I looked up and saw that we were in front of my house.

"Thank you.", I thanked Johnson for the ride and hopped out the car.

"Anytime Adriana.", he smiled then I closed the door and walked to my porch.

I opened the door and turned around, they were still there. I smiled and waved at Johnson then went inside.

"Oh you're home early, it's barely nine.", my dad told me.

"Oh yea, Sam wasn't feeling good so we left.", I lied.

"Who brought you?"


"I thought you said you and Jack were no longer friends?"

"Not that Jack, the other jack.", I told him as I walked up the stairs to my room.

"So there's two Jacks?", he asked from downstairs.

"Yes.", I said waking into my room.

I changed into some comfortable clothes and pulled out my laptop and FaceTimed Giselle. Boy do I have a lot to tell her.


"How was the fair with the fuckboy Sam?", she asked.


"It was bad huh?", she interrupted.

"No it was great and I had lots of fun,"

"It was? Oh that's good then."

"But then it went from great to bad real quick.", I added.

"Girl tell me everything!", she said getting excited to listen to all the drama.

"Ok well Sam and I were having a good time then we went to go get food, and as we were waiting for our food he kissed me—"

"He kissed you!? Wait hold up..did you kiss back?", she interrupted again.

"Stop interrupting hoe!", I laughed.

"Ok sorry. Go on.", she chuckled.

"Ok I did NOT kiss him back because I simply don't like him like that. We were barely at the beginning of building a possible friendship, possible.", I told her.

"So then what?"

"Then he kissed me again and I told him to stop but he didn't then he was pulled off of me by someone.", I told her.

"Who?", she asked.

"Jack.", I told her.

"Wait hold up! I thought he hated you and, how the hell did he find you guys?"

"I thought he hated me too and honestly I don't even know."

"Adriana I told you he fucking liked you!", she started smiling.

hate; j.f.gWhere stories live. Discover now