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Adriana's P.O.V

I was woken up the next morning by the sun light peaking through my curtain and shining in my face. I got up and texted Giselle everything that happened yesterday.

She told me that Jack had a "crush" on me. Yeah right. When you have a crush on a girl you don't act like a dick towards her. That shit is from first grade. No, we're in high school. When you like a girl you're supposed to be nice to her.

Jack doesn't like me as a friend at all and he sure as hell doesn't like me as someone he'd date. Jack hates me. I don't know why, I don't know what I did to him. All I know is that he hates me but the feeling is mutual.


It's currently 10:30 am and I am sitting here on my couch bored out of my mind watching Tom and Jerry. There is nothing on and I don't want to watch Netflix right now. Giselle is in school and so are the rest of my friends.

Back in California at my old high school I was a cheerleader and a track runner. Since I haven't ran since the last track season I decided that I should go jogging.

I go upstairs to my room and brush my hair out. I put it in a high, tight ponytail, and put on a Nike headband to keep my baby hairs down. I already had on a sports bra so I put on my old track team's T-shirt, and some black Nike spandex. I put on my black and white nike running shoes and walked downstairs.

I walked out of my house and started jogging once I closed the door. I ran around my neighborhood 4 times which was a whole mile.

I stopped and drank some water from my water bottle and took a little break.

"Damn you're fast."

I looked up at who said that and smiled.

"Oh hey Marcus."

"Hey Adriana, what were you doing?"

"Running.", I said in a duh tone in a joking way.

"I know that but what were you running? Like were you running a mile, were you just jogging, or were you timing yourself on how fast you can run around here?"

"I was just gonna jog for the hell of it but I ended up running a mile."

"That's cool but why aren't you in school right now?"

"Didn't feel like going."

"Why not"

"Your douchey cousin.", I told him taking another drink of water.

"Well I wouldn't call him douchey," he laughed.

"You're right. He's worse than a douche."

"What'd he do for you to call him a douche?", he asked.

"He's making my life a complete hell. He has been mean to me for no reason and he almost hit me with his Jeep yesterday and my phone is broken because of him.", I told him as I held up my shattered phone.

"It's not broken, it still works. It's just shattered.", he laughed.

I just glared at him and laughed a little.

"Please don't ever grow up to be like your older cousin.", I told him.

"He can't be that bad. He's never done anything bad to me."

"He hates me for no reason Marcus. I've literally done nothing to him.", I sat down on the sidewalk.

"Well just ignore him he's dumb, cause you're a really cool person. I see no reason to hate you.", he sat down next to me.

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