Chapter 3- I Hate School

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A new chapter is finally here. I really hope you guys enjoy it. I'll try to update a much as possible for you guys.

Cynthia's POV.

Once I got home from a long day of school, I walked up towards the driveway of my house.

I groaned.

For once my parents were home early. I entered inside the house to the sound of yelling.

Great. They were arguing again.

Ever since I was little, they would argue every night, then get drunk. Everday I had to suffer through the pain. I never had a "perfect family".

I climbed upstairs to my room and closed the door. Even at home I wasn't wanted. Not at home. Not at school. Not anywhere.

I collapsed on the bed. I don't need friends or family. I don't care about anyone, since they don't care about me. I only care about my education.

As I started to fall asleep, I couldn't help but think.

What would it feel like if someone actually loved me?

I then fell asleep.

Next day

Beep, beep, beep.

I groaned.

Time to go back to school.

At school

I quickly dodged through the crowd of people in the school towards my locker. I grabbed my books out of my locker.

"Hey guys. Look at the little dweeb."

I scowled.

Andrew Sullivan.

I tried to walk away, but ran into his chest.

"Running away so soon." he said winking at me.

I rolled.

"Leave me alone, Andrew." I said.

Let me explain, Andrew is my ex-boyfriend. Yes, I had a boyfriend, from ninth to tenth. The reason I broke up with him was because he cheated on me by making out with another girl. He started dating her until eleventh grade, then broke up with her because she was really crazy for him. She's crazy for all boys.

Anyway, he's basically the reason why my life is a freaking a madhouse. Everyone in the school believes that I smacked the girl he dated because of jealousy. He said, "She claims that she doesn't know his feelings for me."

Heck, you have no feelings for me. You made out with another girl while we were dating.

He smirked.

He then lowered his hand about to touch my thigh, but I smacked it away.

"Don't touch me, you jerk." I said.

"You still mad about the day 'I didn't take you back." he said saying extra loudly at the 'didn't take him back' part.

Everyone turned to me.

I turned to Andrew and smacked him, making everyone gasp.

I rolled my eyes and stomped to class.


The rest of the day was terrible. People were shoving me on purpose, knocking my things down, a boy punched me in the nose making it bleed.

Everyone was against me.

Not even a single teacher stood up for me. I hate people. I hate everyone. Everywhere I go, everyone despises me.

I hate my life.

Jack's POV.

"That game was awesome, right." said Nate as we entered the school.

"Yeah, dude. At first, I thought we were going to lose." I said.

Everyone was crowded around two people.

"Dude. What's going on?" I asked Nate.

"Cynthia and her ex broke up last year. She hasn't been social with people ever since. Everyone thinks it's because she still has feelings for him, but it's just a stupid rumor." he explained.

I nodded.

I then saw Cynthia stomp away.

I sighed and went towards my locker.

"Hey dude. Wanna skip class again?" Nate asked.

I smiled wanting to so badly, but shook my head.

"Sorry, dude. The principal said that if I skipped school, I would have to get a tutor." I said.

He frowned.

"Come on, dude. What's so bad about a tutor?" he asked.

I shrugged.


"Or she."

"Yeah. Or she could be good or bad." I said.

"Well, she may be bad, but she could be smoking hot." said Nate.

I shrugged. He did have a point.

A tutor might not be so bad.

I smirked.

"Let's do this."


Cool chapter, right. I really hope you guys enjoyed it. I worked hard on doing it.

Also, please comment amd vote on it.

If you don't, then you're a hater.


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