Chapter 21- Pass and Surprises

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Hey guys. I was out on vacation, so I couldn't update. Now, I can so here we go.


Jack's POV.

Here it is. Today's the day the grades get posted.

I sighed.

Why am I so nervous? Is it the fact that if I fail, that I will have to lose Cynthia to some jerk? Well, whatever it is, there's nothing to worry about.

I then saw everyone crowded around a list.

I took a deep breath.

Here we go.

I dove through the crowd of people, making my way to the front. I scanned the paper.

Sophia Sparks

Bella Froth

Cynthia Stephens

Jack Anderson

Mindy Crawford

My eyes had almost popped out at what I saw.

I had made it to the Top 5!!!! Not an F, nor D, C, or B. But, A!!!! I am going to be on the football team.

I smiled, and my smile grew bigger at what I thought next.

I'm going to get Cynthia back!!!!

Cynthia's POV.

I sighed.

The grades have finally gotten out, and I'm not nervous. I know I've made it to the Top 5, but that's not has been bothering me.

I keep thinking about......that's right Jack Anderson. Typical, right.

I know it's crazy, even though he's done so many bad things, I can't stop thinking about him. What if he didn't do anything like he said? Then, who could of.

As I saw the group of people crowded around a list, I knew that this was it.

I sighed, as I went forward it to the board.

What I saw, I was surprised that not only I had made it to the Top 5, but Jack had too. He must of used my methods on remembering the answers.

A smile crept up on my face, as I headed towards my locker.

Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my wrist. I honestly expected it to be Jack, but instead it was Andrew.

I pulled my wrist out of grasp.

"Didn't I tell you to leave me alone." I scowled.

A sexy smirk crept up on his face. Oh gosh,now.

"Yeah. But, you said physically, not sexually." he said.

He then grabbed me and put one of his hands inside of my pants, rubbing my butt.

I gasped and tried so hard to shove him away. Suddenly, I was suddenly shoved onto the ground, with Andrew lying next to me.

I looked up to see Jack.

"Didn't you here what sh said. She said physically, but I'm pretty sure she mostly sexually too. So, unless you want a serious pain to the face, I suggest not to mess with her." he said.

He then turned to me.

"Come on, Cynthia."

"Too late."

I turned towards him as he gave us a cold and evil like smirk.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, Cynthia. Don't you remember the surprise, that you had woken up to. The best part is that, you had blamed on Jack, when he didn't do anything."

It took me a moment to realize it.


I ran out of the room. I had to get away from him.

"Cynthia!!!" I heard Jack calling me.

After a few moments, I slowed down letting him catch up.

"Cynthia? What happened? What's wrong?" he asked.

I sobbed.

"I-Idiot. Your so slow." I murmmered.



I bent down on the floor and sobbed. I then felt myself being lifted, and carried on something hard, but soft at the same time.

I think I was being carried to the men's restroom. I think I was being carried into a stall, then set carefully onto a toilet.

"What happened?"

"You idiot!!! Don't you get it! He's the one that stripped me, not you!" I yelled.

I then sobbed harder.

Jack's POV.

I don't know how.

I don't know why.

But, someone's going to die tonight.

First, he strips MY girl and gets away with it. I don't think so. I'm going to teach this guy a lesson.

I balled my fist squeezing it hard, that the veins were probably popping out. But, relaxed, when I felt Cynthia's soft touch against me.

"I'll beat him for you, Cynthia." I said.

I felt her warm breath on my chest, as she said.

"I know you will."


Hey guys. Sorry it took so long. A lot of stuff has been going on, and there is some stuff that I have to deal with, but I will definitely post more on the holidays.

I promise.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.


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