Chapter 10- Do I?

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This chapter may be short, since I have nothing to write. I'm out of ideas.

Either way, hope you guys enjoy.


Jack's POV.

After yesterday, I've understand that Cynthia only wants us as friends. I wasn't even thinking of me and her being boyfriend and girlfriend.

That would be kind of weird.

Anyway, me and her have been becoming close friends.

Since the football team won't let me know the team plan for the football games, I sit and talk with Cynthia at lunch and listen to her as she tutors me after school.

Cynthia is really cool. When she gets to college, she wants to study about chemistry, then help children around the world learn to read and write.

"I don't really know what I'm going to do." I said to her.

"Well, you have time. You have still the second semester and the whole summer to think about it. It's probably going to be really amazing." she said.

I smiled.

Even when she had a tough time in her life, she somehow manages to say a kind word to anyone. All she needed was a friend.

I sat there confused.

Do I have feelings for Cynthia? I can't. We're supposed to be just friends.

"Hey Jack. You ok?"

I turned to see Cynthia have a worried look on her face.

I smiled.

"I'm fine, Cynthia. We are tutoring today, right?" I said.

She nodded.

"Yeah. My parents are busy today." she said.

I nodded.

She says her parents ae busy most days like today. That's why she hangs out at the library to read. She loves to get deep into a inspiring book and not come out until the library closes.

I smile.

She has a cool, geeky side to her. Cute.

I shake my head.

Not again.

"So.....where to today?" I ask her.

She taps her chin.

"Maybe.......your room again." she suggested.

"Come on, Cynthia. We've been tutoring there forever." I said.

"You come on, Jack. Your test is in a week. The tutor is supposed to let there students be in an area where they are comfortable in." she said.

I shook my head.

"Well, this time we are going to the library. A place where you are comfortable in." I said.

She cocked her head.

"You sure? I want you to be comfortable." she said.

I nodded.

She yipped, which made me jump.

I then smiled.

After School

Cynthia's POV.

We arrived at the library after school. We opened the doors and I immediately smelled dust and........I think mold.

"Yuck. What's that smell?" Jack said.

I smirked.

"You'll get used to it." I said.

He sighed.

I then saw some familiar places I would always love to be in. Ok, honestly we did not get any tutoring done. But, we did have fun.

Yes. Jack had fun.

When we left, Jack said.

"Can we come back tomorrow?"

I smiled.

He sounded like a five year old at a candy store. Cute. Wait what?!

I stayed cool and nodded.

"Yeah. You seem like you enjoyed it." I said.

He jumped up and down.

I smiled and started jumping too.

This day was super fun.

One question flew in my head at that moment.

Do I like Jack?


Do they like each other???

Omg! I wrote so many chapters this weekend on both of my stories.

I really hope you guys read my updates.

Anyway, bye.

Forced to Tutor the Bad Boy (Now Editing)Where stories live. Discover now