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On the set the next day, we said our greetings and the MC started.

"OK so here is 7 seas dance for adore u!" WE got to position and started our dance rountine. I did Wonwoo's one because Veronica just changed her bias to The8 and being the leader I had to, of course, give way to her. She kept looking at The8 during the whole performance and for some reason, an uneasy knot formed in my chest.

We proceeded to doing some bonding activities. "Well then, how about.... A dance competition? Here let's split teams." The MC started out. Four teams were split out. I was in Jun, Wonwoo, Dino, Veronica, Gina and Miranda. We didn't make too bad a team. I think we could beat some teams. My eyes swept across the room. Damn it, Sharlotte, our main dancer, was in the same team as The8 how were we suppose to go against them ? The music started and I looked to Jun for help. He concentrated on me, trying to find the beat. Once we got it, we were on the right track. I did some showy moves (learnt it from sharlotte heheheh) The8 seemed impressed. As the program went on, I couldn't help but noticed I kept glancing at him and he at me...

As we returned to the dorms, I received a call. "WHAt are you trying to do huh? GO ON A VARIETY SHOW???? That's too much isn't it. I shouldn't have allowed you to go. KPOP has been having a strong hold on you and its dragging you down." I sighed as my mum continued to repeatedly reprimand me. As she slammed the phone down, I couln't help but ask myself: Have I done the right thing? I slipped into the bathroom and sat on the cold, spotless tiles and my tears welled up in my eyes. I shut my eyes and as a tear slid down my cold cheeks, I couldn't help but let myself slip into the temptation and placed the penknife on my skin and pierced it through my skin and slid it across. Blood. Drip. Blood spots stained the flawless white tiles.

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