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I felt my vision go blurry, drops of tears rolled down my cheeks leaving streaks of tears on them. Everyone was dissolved in tears and embraces. I quickly brushed my tears away, afraid anyone would see them. I turned round and saw Minghao's dark, mesmerising eyes pierce through me. I flinched. I felt the same warm feeling growing in me; the same one that I felt on the first day I met him. I have grown to love this boy more and more each day and today, I have to leave this boy who loves me more than I can ever love myself. But reality is reality and we really have to leave for the airport now or we might be late for our flight. I gestured for the members of 7 Seas to come over to my side and informed them that we really have to go. I rushed out of the dorm and into the cold streets of korea. I felt the cold, piercing breeze cut my face as I stepped out of the dorm.

I walked the perimeter of the building, over and over again. Repeitive actions always make me feel comforted. I stared at the uneven cemet ground, thinking very hard. What's going to happen when I go back. Probably bombarded by saesang fans I mean, even here in Korea I would scroll through my SNS and like 99.297147963726746% are just hate-filled messages. I hear footsteps approaching and hurriedly stand up; only to face the love of my life.

"The van's here already, wanna go in?" Minghao gently asked. I answered by intwining our hands and walking back to the dorm. The walk back was a silent one, maybe because we have nothing to talk about but more likely, because if we even say a word, we might flood Seoul with our tears. Standing in front of the dorm, Minghao took a step nearer to me. "What?" I tilted my chin up and stared into his dark eyes. Ohmygod, they're filled with tears. I quickly looked away. Minghao cupped my face and leaned in. "What if someone saw?" I whispered. "It doesn't matter, let them see," he sighed, "I'll miss you. I love you," With that, he took my breath away. Literally. I felt his lips; the same familiar ones, tender, soft, gentle; as if hes scared that one tiny movement could break me. I pulled him closer to me, deepening the kiss. I felt his tongue licking my bottom lip and unconciously, I let him in. his tongue, the way he kissed me, wasn't just like anybody, it was just, well, him. It was as if fire had engulfed me when his tongue explored my mouth. This was infact the first time we actually had a real passionate kiss; and 'm glad its my goodbye one. After a good five minutes, he let go of me, both of us equally breathless. Our foreheads touch and his hand went up to my cheek, caressing it.

"Hey Minghao," I whispered.

"What is it, princess?" he replied, smiling.

"I don't think I've said it properly before, like in a normal mental state, but..."

"But what?"

"I love you," this time I said it like I meant it; when I wasn't screaing and I wasn't vunerable. I wasn't in need of anything to protect me.

Minghao smiled and them kissed the top of my nose and then brought me in to the dorm.

"Call me when you land, ok?"

"Bye," I hugged him one last time, my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat.

And with that, I boarded the bus and when I turned around, I saw him waving me goodbye like there's no tommorow.

puzzle pieces [ x.m.h ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora